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  1. anmolbhard004

    Linksys LN1301 - Group Buy from US

    it has and its very difficult you can also flash openwrt on mikrotik
  2. anmolbhard004

    Linksys LN1301 - Group Buy from US

    he is thinking of dual wan/ failover also so then he cant use the linksys one
  3. anmolbhard004

    Credit Card Help Desk: Answers to Your Questions!

    Somebody share email id for axis bank please Credit card ones Don't know why but my mother's credit card account is showing my father's axis savings account linked to it Closing my father's account so I dont't think the card should have a issue?
  4. anmolbhard004

    What's the best plan if you don't need data, just whatsapp on home wifi? Open to any company.

    too common with bsnl dont know whats wrong but same has happened with me as well
  5. anmolbhard004

    Home air purifiers effective for improving indoor air quality?

    using philips AC2887/20 and its good better than my other coway one filter is still available on amazon for this model ordered last month the air in patna is just pathetic all this metro construction is just adding to it we have made it to top 5 polluted cities of india.
  6. anmolbhard004

    New member, looking to buy

    you need to have atleast 25 points to post a sale thread I guess things have changed now your current post is at 11
  7. anmolbhard004

    Indian Stock Market and Mutual Funds

    its so overhyped people bought ntpc shares for sh quota :sweatsmile:
  8. anmolbhard004

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

  9. anmolbhard004

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    didnt you got one bluedart tracking?
  10. anmolbhard004

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    whats wrong with apple? why power button is at a weird place?
  11. anmolbhard004

    FS: Networking TP-Link POE Switches & Resonate Router UPS

    mods please close thread feedback exchanged
  12. anmolbhard004

    Bypassing Jio Fiber Router/ONT -Guide

    people have reported better speeds and latency also jiofiber is cgnat so basically if you are using their ont anf then your router you are behind triple nat by removing their ont it comes down to double nat a con that while using 3rd party onu voice / landline wont work
  13. anmolbhard004

    Bypassing Jio Fiber Router/ONT -Guide

    Compatible Routers/ONU that are found to be working perfectly fine with JioFiber TP Link G3 V1 VSOL V280RH / PTF 8132 [2.5GB ONUs] ODI/HSGQ SFP STICK 2.5 Gb JIO uses GPON authentication and for it to work Its serial number needs to be authenticated at the ONU . also it uses DHCP and not PPPoE...
  14. anmolbhard004

    Dishwasher suggestion

    yup same goes for wipro ones the readings are mostly accurate.