Any reason why the price is hidden in screenshots? Seems fishy because I bought exact same laptop in the same month and remember there was a big diwali sale so I just paid 70K for it. I would urge you to reveal the price in screenshots.
Selling my 9 and half months old HyperX Gaming keyboard which is in pretty good condition since I used it not as often as other PC gamers since I game a lot on consoles, I use a Xbox controller to gamer on PC as well.
Reason for Sale:
Link for more details...
Do people really buy PSUs here? I got mine from RMA and has 4 and half year warranty left. Don't need it since I bought a new one till RMA was processing. Its Cooler Master 750W Fully Modular Gold V2. If so, what should be expected price?
Yes. You get a mail from flipkart if you are eligible. IMO what they did was is created the list of customers who have registered for the sale. Then they filtered 1000 flipkart first subscribers in order they registered for flipkart first service.
Hahahaha. Flipkart is rewarding my shopoholic nature. First they gave me Flipkart First service for free for 3 months and now i got a mail from them stating that as a Flipkart First service owner you are guaranteed to get a MI3 should you order it.
If anyone is interested, this is the guy responsible for the wewillact website
Hari Rastogi from Jayanagar, Bangalore. Contact: 9663697196,