It is arrived in the konkan bhavan post office on 12th july. The postman attempted delivery for three times from 12th july to 14th july but I think at the time of the delivery there was no one in ur office. So please collect the speed post from the post office.
Please collect the speed post mentioned above from the Konkan Bhavan post office. ASAP.
I have sent the defective M1 by speed post no. EM236376346IN.
I have sent the original invoice instead of the Xerox copy. So please send the invoice with the repaired/replaced M1. Please send me mail if you have any query.
Want to convert some IGNOU books which are uploaded as scanned copies of the original books to clean PDF. The original PDF files have black spots scattered on all pages. Therefore I can't read this books with pleasure. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 OS.