Search results

  1. G

    Quad Processor

    I am looking for a Intel Core 2 Quad CPU for my LGA 775 socket Mobo. OR I can also think of Core 2 Duo E8300/8500 as well.
  2. G

    AdBlock now shows you cats in place of ads.

    No idea about Cat but when I tried AOL mail with AB plus in FF,my account got blocked with some warnings,perhaps AOL dont like someone blocking their ads.
  3. G

    Suggestion required for new split airconditioner

    Think of Hitachi,it will never let you go down!
  4. G

    CCTV security installation and guidelines

    Select cams with wide angle of focus,it will help in a long run.
  5. G

    Its Swiss Time

    I own Rolex but still love this collection,too tempting.
  6. G

    Computer reboots frequently

    Nice to see that you finally rectified probe.
  7. G

    Canon 550D , where to get it @ best price

    They have their webpage as well as forum,check them.
  8. G

    is this Gray market or Distributor deals for lcd/led?

    Agree with Gryph0n,double check on warranty.
  9. G

    Computer reboots frequently

    This happened with me due to overheating of cpu,please check H.S and Fan,clean them and/or reapply thermal paste.
  10. G

    Canon 550D , where to get it @ best price

    Have you checked pricing with J J Mehta in Mumbai?
  11. G

    CPU/Mobo Help! 3 Beeps & Then System Shuts Down

    Don't want to scare you but I had similar problem in past and end result was bad processor which I had to replace.
  12. G

    Laptops [Need Help] The same old overheating issue

    One gets upmost satisfaction when a job done by him show the result.
  13. G

    Dominos | Pizza Hut - Ongoing offers

    I always failed to get benifits of their coupan,its tricky most of time and they want me to tell in advance about my coupan else they don't entertain coupan.All in all somehow I feel that it is meant for them rather than for customers!
  14. G

    Do u Miss '90s indian Tv shows

    Office Office was a gem,I agree and I too miss it though I have my doubts that it was aired in 90s.
  15. G

    Laptops [Need Help] The same old overheating issue

    Congratulations Buddy on doing a right job @ a right time i.e Summer!
  16. G

    English TV series discussion

    I still remember BBC's old classic comedy Here is Lucie !
  17. G

    HDTV purchase from Bangkok

    If my guess is right Dubai is better for buying cheaper TV sets than Thailand,I may be wrong.
  18. G

    Online Broadband Speed Monitor

    I don't know if image will appear correctly or not,here is mine result, One more test,here is the result. http://www.speedtest.../1865019252.png
  19. G

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    I forgot the name of movie which I saw last but it was a good one featuring Jenelia and Deshmukh.