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  1. blr_p

    UnitedHealthcare CEO's Murder - Looks like everyone is celebrating

    It's to prevent copy cats because such media is tantamount to incitement. You can see the stats above how people think if they spend more time on social media than not Then it's a question of time before YT or similar itself gets sued for incitement. There is no freedom of speech argument to...
  2. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    I was going to recommend instead they join an actual forum like defenceforumbharat and the like.
  3. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    Possible in a minority government. But here what the allies say is more important than the opposition. Good example of this is Likud. They can never get an absolute majority so have to depend on allies to avoid a no confidence vote. The US isn't like that. There is no vote of no confidence...
  4. blr_p

    When did YouTube got obsessed with LGBTQ+.

    Because that's the minimum number of questions they can ask transgenders who will make a stink if they're not there. All in the spirit of inclusion.
  5. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    Definitely but domestic politics won't allow it. Elon et al. have lots of financial lobbying power to push for high end. Who is there to do it at the low end. The only time it was acceptable was after ww2 where these people would help to rebuild destroyed cities. That's no longer the case for...
  6. blr_p

    The Funny Thread

    My wife surprised me one afternoon. She had a rope and said, "tie me up and you can do whatever you want." So I tied her up and went fishing
  7. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    No progressives in Congress? Where did I say I was for suppressing opinions/rights of minor party voters? What I said or prefer is comments on whatever policy of the government in question in a positive and informative manner. I don't pay attention to the opposition because I don't consider...
  8. blr_p

    Daily Memes Thread

  9. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    The lower end workers are needed to keep cities running because locals just won't do that kind of work. Where things go pear shaped is as a result of excess & mostly illegal low end they tighten up on the skilled and most useful and most likely to be legal workers. Low end is necessarily...
  10. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    Trump is a major disruptor, if you want to put it that way. Whether domestic or overseas What were they expecting? A group wants him because he will be more sympathetic to the Saudis. This group is minuscule. Another were thinking wrongly that he would end the war whether Israel likes it or...
  11. blr_p

    Share your online fraud experience

    Only on a Sunday so far, you get a call from an international number saying. ... This is a notification from TRAI that your service will be suspended today due to abnormal use of your telephone number.. Then you get a choice from a menu to choose 1 for more details or 2 for customer service...
  12. blr_p

    UnitedHealthcare CEO's Murder - Looks like everyone is celebrating

    Innocent in the eyes of the law. Hasn't broken any laws. That isn't subjective. Vigilante justice isn't scalable. And as has been pointed out already, nobody is being forced to use united healthcare. Its the arbitrary choice of a vigilante to turn them into the poster boys of healthcare...
  13. blr_p

    UnitedHealthcare CEO's Murder - Looks like everyone is celebrating

    Didn't tell you how they picked the respondents? Balanced from a male female pov Income has equal proportions Same for age. Why do you say not evenly balanced?
  14. blr_p

    UnitedHealthcare CEO's Murder - Looks like everyone is celebrating

    Why don't you check the studies methodology and then point out any flaws rather than speculating and then insinuating. It's troubling and may not be confined just to Americans
  15. blr_p

    Daily Memes Thread

  16. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    That's been the case since Pat Buchanan in the early nineties. Same arguments he put forward. Big tech overruled that idea Elon isn't the only employer benefiting. He's just stuck his neck out and taking one for the team.
  17. blr_p

    UnitedHealthcare CEO's Murder - Looks like everyone is celebrating

    About the right to keep and bear arms. How was this affected? It wasn't. Because a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state. Was he part of militia let alone a regulated one? No, so far he's acted on his own accord and wasn't coerced by anybody into doing so. And...
  18. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    You're framing it as a zero sum problem with the tesla example. If one third of positions go unfulfilled then reducing H1B numbers will lead to more vacancies which will only increase in a growing business climate. This is the part where you're in a losing game. Doesn't matter if your...
  19. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    Oh the immigration thing. Check out Kaizens take. Been following this guy after some one posted from his twitter Sentence that stands out What's that verdict? So far things are looking positive. The facts are the facts. Either defend your strengths or risk losing the laptop class to...
  20. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    What was it?