Search results

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    WTB i5 or i7 9th gen (Non K Series)

    Hi, As the title says, looking for i5 or i7 9th gen (Non K Series) processor preferably with warranty. Kindly pm me your offers. Thanks.
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    WTB i5 9500F

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    Amazon India lightning deals

    HyperX Alloy HX-KB5ME2-US Core RGB Membrane Gaming Keyboard for 2850/-
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    WTB i5 9500F

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    WTB i5 9500F

    Hi, Looking for i5-9500F processor preferably with warranty. Kindly pm me your offers. Thanks.
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    Health & Fitness Corona is in full swing and its not Joke !

    Anandayya an Ayurvedic doctor in Krishnapatnam (A.P) prepared medicine for covid. The medicine is given for free. According news around 70k people have visited today. Center has stopped the medicine distribution. Tomorrow the Doctor will reveal the process of making that preparation in media...
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    WTB Looking for a Ryzen 5 Processor

    Looking for a Ryzen 5 Processor preferably with warranty. Pm me your offers. Thank you.
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    WTB Looking for GTX 1650

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    Cockroaches mayhem

    Try this I have used and all lizards gone. I put them in multiple places and they come and stick to it. It took a few weeks for me to get rid of all those lizards.
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    WTB Looking for GTX 1650

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    WTB Looking for GTX 1650

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    WTB Looking for GTX 1650

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    WTB Looking for GTX 1650

    Hi, Looking for GTX 1650 or GTX 1650 super of Asus/Zotac/MSI preferably with warranty. Thanks.
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    Which heat sink compound to buy?

    IPA is available at electronics (components selling) shops at cheaper price. I bought 500ml for Rs.170/- (Hyderabad).
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    Found my long lost family members in Vienna!!

    Very happy to hear from you. Finally you got someone from your family.