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  1. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    But these are not sharable invites. Got these invite links from OPO through mail.
  2. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    Have 3 Invite codes.Whoever wants PM me.
  3. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    Invite code sent to psdatta2005. Please use it asap. Expiring in 3hrs.
  4. Dare Devil

    Xiaomi Mi3 last sale on Republic Day

    Good news! Mi 3 will be available this coming Republic Day and it will be a one-day only event.
  5. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    Received 12 Global invites from OPO Yesterday. Today got another 6. 17 shared. Only one Global invite left.
  6. Dare Devil

    Xiaomi to relaunch Redmi Note in India next month news! Mi 3 will be available this coming Republic Day and it will be a...
  7. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    Yes.Still have 3 Global invites to share.
  8. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    Have 3 Global invites to share. @onlystruggler PM your mail id.
  9. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    Lol. Just now received 3 more global invites from opo. They give only global invites to me. :(
  10. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    But I need India invites to share here. Till now only got 3 sharable invites in my opo account. Waiting for India invites.
  11. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    I also got one global invite...
  12. Dare Devil

    WTB Oneplus one invite
  13. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    Thats why I mostly(60%) claimed the invite into my OPO ac and share the invite code to the buyers. And also prefer cod (eventhough i already had some bad experiences in COD). Some of my invites also (7) wasted. Its really frustrating.Have one invite code to share. 18hrs to expire. Anyone need...
  14. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    Samething happened to me.I recived the mail from OPO yesterday only. When i logged into my opo ac all the 3 sharable invites showing only oneday left to expire.
  15. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    onlystruggler : Indian OPOs also have cyanogen,but you won’t get updates.
  16. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    onlystruggler : Pl ask nishthecooldude for invite.
  17. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    One invite code shared with titana and 2 with FB friends. Still one left.
  18. Dare Devil

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    3 invite codes received from Sobirvs. I already have one invite code. So 4 invite codes left. Anyone interested,pl PM me.