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    Sony bravia full hd led 40ex700 lcd tv

    I am interested :) what would be the cost to ship to Bangalore, if it's not too much of a hassle to you Cheers
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    PSN+ concerns ?

    Are you trying to buy from the Indian PSN store? AFAIK, store purchases have not been enabled on it yet
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    Audio technica FTW!! Sorry bud, would have picked up AD cans, but am going to US next month anyway :)
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    Brand new u2410 for sale

    am interested, and am from Mumbai :) let's talk?
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    PSN+ concerns ?

    game availability is the only difference. Sometimes one store will get a game before the other. AFAIK, there is no preference for either US/UK though US one seems to have more offers right now; just depends on international licenses being used by SEC. Personally, I use the US one because it's...
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    Anyone want to start a PSN Sharing Team ?

    got myself a PSN+ membership, Joe Danger & high velocity bowling ;)
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    PSN+ concerns ?

    ^i got a 3 month PSN+ subscription yesterday. lemme know if you have any questions
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    PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

    actually no. PSP has firmware patching. a modded PSP requires you to operate it on CFW, not OFW
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    PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

    lol...maybe that. or all those ballooning night our beer bills. 1 PS3 game = an evening @ Sports Bar with friends. totally cool with the LHS of the equation ;) well, there's excitement to be had in that..though that'll go away too ;) --- Updated Post - Automerged --- It'd be easy for Sony...
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    PSN+ concerns ?

    check here: PlayStation Plus: The FAQ | PS3 News, Xbox 360 News, Reviews and Opinion at plus, you dont ahve to experiment with $50..the three month trial is only for $18.
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    PSN+ concerns ?

    yep. you can download from one ID & play from another. the game is registered on your PS3 system rather than IDs. if you deactivate your system, then you cant play those games later edit: here's a link for any other questions you might have: Sixth Axis
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    PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

    the older i seem to be getting, the less interested i am in piracy. Pop in a disc, play game, pop out. no tensions, downloads, unrar, md5checksums and all that crap.
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    Anyone want to start a PSN Sharing Team ?

    okie, i got meself a $50 USD card & d/l'ed Joe Danger. i did msg Arun, Dhruv & hackboy. dunno if you guys are still into this thing. alternatively, i'll just get myself a Playstation Plus membership :p
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    Giveaway Cleartrip coupons

    umm, international flt to SFO is due guys. any coupons will be mucho appreciato..heck, i'll even buy you beer :D
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    Anyone want to start a PSN Sharing Team ?

    +1 but we need one more chap to complete 5. I think you are a little confused on the CC/Paypal thing. That is not needed. All we need to do is to get someone to buy a prepaid $20/50 card from (easily accomplished by any Mastercard/Visa credit card). We can all send in the money...
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    Anyone want to start a PSN Sharing Team ?

    Flower is $15, IIRC Okie, so here goes the process. (copy-pasted from the web) Sender: Designated Sender <-- he gets all the moolah sent to him and also has the codes for the PSN card El Cheapo Receivers 1-4 : lurker downloaders :bleh: For the "Sender": 1. Create a new user ID on the PS3...
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    Anyone want to start a PSN Sharing Team ?

    just change your location to US, it'll be back to English --- Updated Post - Automerged --- Fat princess is also available as a demo on PSN a few levels to see if you'd like it. i wasn't too impressed, btw
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    Anyone want to start a PSN Sharing Team ?

    ok, so the interested guys are 1. Dhruv: dopedanny666 2. hackboy89: hackboy89 3. Arun1: Dr_Khoon 4. AnkushT: Qu1ntessence need one more chap to complete 5. ping your friends ;) & lets vote for PSN Games. my recos: 1. Flower 2. Joe Danger 3. High Velocity Bowling @hackboy, btw..even i am...
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    Anyone want to start a PSN Sharing Team ?

    Yep. 5 activated PS3 ;) & yeah, same here. i created an indian account like an achha bachha and realised that there was diddly-squat i could do with it. So created the US account ;)
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    Anyone want to start a PSN Sharing Team ?

    no, it doesnt. all downloaded games in your PS3 hard-disk can be played from any user account :) you can test it out by creating a new id (& downloading some game demos from PSN store) Then play those demos from the other id. QED ;)