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  1. S

    Suggest good 2.0/2.1 Speakers for Movies and Gaming

    My vote goes for Edifier C3 But the warranty part is for 6 months AFAIK
  2. S Deals and Coupons

    Now these people have gone insane Buy Philips 16" LCD Widescreen Monitor 160E1SB/94 at Best Price in India - Also find Specifications, Photos, Features & Reviews :S :tongue: They are digging up the hole for themselves
  3. S

    Need to buy 2.4GHz wireless headset

    Hi guys I'm looking for a 2.4GHz wireless headset so suggest me a few options.. My options RadioShack 2.4GHz Wireless Stereo Headphones Logitech clearchat Pc wireless Asus HS1000W Any other options do you suggest?
  4. S

    Sony MiniDV Cam DCR-HC21E, Transcend 7" Digital Photo Frame Model T.Photo 710

    Man u look honest with your deal:) Kudos to you:clap::hap2: But the buyer hasn't responded so one can't reach at a fair decision:huh:
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    PlayStation 4 - News, Rumors & Speculations

    Re: PlayStation 4 in production by end of year? Oh! then in future it maybe XBox720 series VS PS4. I'll wait further more for Xbox 1440 vs PS5 :P
  6. S

    WHat is FAILTEL Upto!

    You are not allowed and don't have any right to browse such informational websites as your connection is not built for these,failtel might apply asterisk and will launch a new policy against your connection. :D -Sent from my FAILtel mobile connection
  7. S Deals and Coupons

    Lolz...out of stock? Seems to be in huge demand :D gudluck with your purchase bro i hope it'll arrive shortly with black cat security :)
  8. S Deals and Coupons

    Is your binatone working fine:D The competitor of Vertu has finally arrived in the holy hands:)
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    LogitecH MX518

    bumpy bumpy
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    Dell Wireless 1450 USB Adapter

    So to be precise you mean to say that it's a wi-fi connecting device for pc/lappie which is not having inbuilt WI-fi card
  11. S

    VFM phone Samsung Galaxy 3 at 6-7K

    Woah!! it took me 5 mins.and a lil.patience to read your speech.. :) My vote goes to g3 because of its price and awesome sound quality ,u don't require any mp3 player like ipod
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    LogitecH MX518

  13. S

    LogitecH MX518

    Guys I'm looking for a logitech MX518 or similar gaming mouse ,my old mouse went kaput :( It'll be great if the mouse will be in warranty period:clap: Sellers from Delhi/NCR preferred.
  14. S

    How to hack a 250gb sata drive to work in the Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim

    6K for 250GB :0 I'm way better in using external USB than purchasing this drive... Able to install 2 games on 16GB space easily.. Using 500Gb external HDD with folder name change trick.. :):D
  15. S Deals and Coupons

    May i know the battery life of both the mouse along with your usage conditions
  16. S Deals and Coupons

    1.Buy Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 1000 Mac/Win USB Port EN/XT/ZH/HI/KO/TH Hdwr at Best Price in India - Also find Specifications, Photos, Features & Reviews 2.Buy iball Freedom Cordless Mouse at Best Price in India - Also find Specifications, Photos, Features & Reviews 3.Buy iball Freedom...
  17. S

    WHich Wireless mouse?

    1.Buy Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 1000 : 2.Buy iball Freedom Cordless Mouse : 3.Buy iball Freedom Cordless Mouse: 4.Buy...
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    foreign trip

    Take whichever hotel suits u and it depends on how many green leaves you want to shell out ;I think hotels are used only for securing luggage and spending a night,u can have your meals anywhere
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    foreign trip

    lmao :) nice one So i think bangkok would be fine for my vacation,guys do you suggest going through a cruise to add some more fun or the flight from 2-3 destination instead of heading with a direct flight
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    foreign trip

    Parents are going to sponsor so they'll say no limit but we are the one's who have to save their money Just me and my cousin will be visting and planning for next month. Let me look at air asia site and decide if there are any offers :)