Search results

  1. S

    BSNL to Bring 100mbps Broadband to Indian Homes

    WOW!! that's an impressive growth news for india in communication industry
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    Inkjet printer

    YGPM ^^^no warranty on printer
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    GeCUBE ATI Radeon HD 4850 512mb

    can't see anything except your name and paper
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    MUST SEE my desktop! It's actually a Desktop :P

    Eats up system resources and only desktop gets 3d and nothing else
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    HTC P3452 - 8 months Old

    oh!! sky high price mate
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    Inkjet printer

    I'm having one HP656c lying around..PM if interested
  7. S

    Phone, Camera >2MP

    Ygpm^^^^^^^^^^^ i've motorola A1200 touchscreeen phone with all accessories in 4K
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    For sale motorola A1200(Just 4.5K/-)

    ^^^^BUMPY BUMP Reduced price:4K/-
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    [FS]- Sony Ericsson k790i For 5000/- only

    By the way new one is not in the production now as sony has launched its K810 model...n this one costs around 9.5K in the market .
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    CM Notepal X1 Laptop Cooler

    YGPM for ATp3
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    For sale motorola A1200(Just 4.5K/-)

    yup still available now with new touchscreen too...
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    FOR SALE: Viewsonic VX1945wm

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    For sale motorola A1200(Just 4.5K/-)

    :clap: thanx..planning to buy a new phone so want a quick sale:hap2: :hap2:
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    FS: Old Green Xbox.

    oh! now i have the option of XBOx also but i'm planning to go for PS2 rather than this coz of huge game library... I'll PM u if i would be interested
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    WTB:17" or 19" LCD/TFT

  16. S

    WTB:PS2 console(FAT/SLIM)
