Search results

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    WTB:PS2 console(FAT/SLIM)

    Hello everyone i'm looking for a used playstation 2 console which must be in good working condition along with accessories like controllers,multitap,memory cards and goodies like games with bill and box of the console. So if anyone among u wants to sell one then can PM me. Seller's near...
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    EP 630 vs EP 830 vs Sony MDR-EX082

    i think u should go with sony as i've tried them they have deep bass and clear effects and i think they are far better than creatives as they have better quality of wiring stuff for long lasting
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    Wi-Fi lappy / Wired pc / airtel broadband / how to?

    my frend was stuck with same problem so he contacted Airtel and they charged 1000/- extra and installed wi-fi modem so no problems a free wi-fi zone..
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    Split AC - Mumbai

    u can also try Hitachi Quadricool as it's having different and innovative design
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    LCD TV as Computer Monitor

    Just plugin your HD cable or S-video cable and then go to nvidia control panel and go in tv options and then configure that's it..
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    PS2 Price Cut

    oh! my god can't they make a price reduction here as i was planning to buy one for me either new or second hand...
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    Downloading YouTube Videos

    keepvid rocks^^^
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    Microsoft Silently Releases Windows XP SP4 !

    microsoft did that silently but now everyone who accessed this thread know their top shhhhhhh.........
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    need suggestion for top loading fully automatic washing machine

    Try for videocon with rust proof body plus satisfaction of money spent just as it's not 2 costly as compared to other machines along with easy availability of parts which are cheap,try out this in market.
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    best 2.1 speakers

    Altec Lansing VS4121 or VS2421 they are very good plus i think far better than creative
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    Split AC - Mumbai

    gO FOR The ogeneral or Hitachi Ac's they are awesome with high cooling capacity plus less power usage
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    Anybody under the BSNL UL750 Plan, Reviews Please

    i think u should stick with airtel as the service is awesome as compared to BSNL government service so u'll face less problems plus the server downtime or problems with airtel are far far less than BSNL
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    WTB :AM2 MOBO [Parts for downloading rig]

    u can buy a new atom or asus eeepc
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    Targus laptop bag

    if it could be a backpack typo bag then i could have brought it
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    WTB: Creative Fafal1ty HS-1000 USb Gaming Headset

    uh! fatality headset mouth watering hope i could have brought it
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    Cooler Master Cabinets

    nice one...liked the pricing
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    WTB:Chinese Mobiles. (Ppl dont buy cuz some dont have imei)

    look at the today's scenario that these chinese ppl are giving such high end features in so tight budget that these branded one's can't even get closer 2 them in terms of price and features,compare the features of a branded and chinese 1, what the branded one will offer in the range of 20K that...
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    Need Suggestion for Inverter Placement

    I've used both local and company batteries but i prefer branded one's because they are reliable and don't lose 2 early as compared 2 local batteries which starts giving low voltage just after the usage of 6-12 months(u'll see the voltage will dim when there is powercut coz after months local...
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    DVD Player Issues

    if it's not able to read dvd's then try a lens cleaner or go n buy new one's around 1.4K with pendrive slot and card slot also
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    gonna buy a/c in 2-3 days

    Go for the o-general or hitachi one as they are good one's but i've heard nowadays that hitachi's a/c quality is degraded