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  1. R

    Need help to buy a Digital compact Megazoom Camera

    It seems like a good camera. I Haven't personally used Nikon cameras. But their results are quite clear. I was quite amazed when i saw the results while someone was buying it the same time i was buying a Canon. That camera has got good reviews. And Averaged around a rating of 4-5 Stars / 5...
  2. R

    31-40k New PC help

    Yeah no point, thats why i was confirming whether he has the intention of upgrading to a discrete GPU . LOL
  3. R

    Extra fan for Hyper 212 plus Check this out. They also got India on their list of countries. It should be around 400-500Rs. I think As for bitfenix, I like their Spectre Pro Fans. they seem great. Don't know if they're easily available though.
  4. R

    31-40k New PC help

    I am completely aware of that, thats why i asked. AMD A8 is perfect for HTPC's and such. Since you have the best graphics you can get built in, without a discrete GPU Since you're going for a 2400 /2500, then i guess any low/mid end 7xxxx series in your budget would be good. Or wait for a low...
  5. R

    Need help to buy a Digital compact Megazoom Camera

    Look for a canon available around that range. Actually any camera in that range, and almost every point and shoot digital camera doesn't require much tinkering and have a decent "auto" mode.
  6. R

    Need help to buy a Digital compact Megazoom Camera

    I would go for the Canon Powershot SX230 hs. SOrry, but i'm a Canon Fan. I own both Sony and Canon Cameras.
  7. R

    Extra fan for Hyper 212 plus

    Have you considered using Xigmatek? Or Bitfenix? Even corsair has got some new fans on the market. I don't trust cooler master these days, as the products I have used by them seem to be pretty inefficient.
  8. R

    Best and cheap android tablet from US

    Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 . They are great. Dont go for refurbs if you can afford something new like Galaxy Tab 2 7.0
  9. R

    31-40k New PC help

    Are you looking into purchasing a discrete GPU? If not, then consider going for a CPU with good built in graphics. Something like an i3-2100, or a AMD A8-3850. These CPU's have good built in graphics. For FPS games, especially the latest ones you would be something adequate for the graphics.
  10. R

    Low power download system suggestion

    ok so thnen when im in india will ask someone to get me one
  11. R

    Low power download system suggestion

    Thanks sharing that information. I will keep an eye out for the Pogo Pink then Anyone from this forum tried installing some other linux distro on it?
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    Low power download system suggestion

    but that pogo is the normal pogo?
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    Low power download system suggestion

    How much does the pogo plug cost?. and how much does the asus router cost?
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    Linux Suggest a Distro for a linux newbie

    Can you tell me more about it?. yeah i did run it from live CD, and i hated it, as i couldnt install the drivers for my WIFI card. but then once i installed it i managed to save and install.
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    Guide Getting Your stolen Android Phone Back.The google way...

    Very good idea. But what if they unlock it and restore/reflash the phone?
  16. R

    Linux Suggest a Distro for a linux newbie

    Ubuntu or Mint. More of Ubuntu. It's great. Easy to get used to A slightly different subject. KDE or GNOME?..
  17. R

    Need Webdesigners/ Psd To Html Conversion/ Jquery Integration

    Hey. I do some web design, more of just graphics and stuff though..Haven't used much of Jquery.
  18. R

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    Thanks for this guide. I've been thinking of setting up a file server. Was wonderng if i should buy a used laptop or this router with a USB. Both are somewhat the same price.
  19. R

    Guide K750i to W800i for CID49

    the link is dead.. :S .. anyone got the firmware?.. does this enable flash menus?