Search results

  1. R

    Suggest a cabinet for 2-3K

    Nzxt gamma will suffice ur needs mate. have a look here for all ur options: Computers Hardware, Peripherals, Cameras, Laptops, Gaming Equipment Tech Heaven, Thin client Lamington Road, Mumbai
  2. R

    Nokia 5230 comes with 2GB Micro SD + Car Mobile Holder

    i knew i should have had waited :@:@:@
  3. R

    (URGENT) Recommend a phone for Mom

    u can consider Nokia X3. Its looks amazing and is packed with a good set of features.
  4. R

    Willing to Spend 50k for a nice Gaming Rig Help ME Someone

    Look at vasim21's options and choose according to ur budget. i suggest u go with 5870 it being a good performer. Also u can get most of these stuff from our resident TE dealers. Check this out:
  5. R

    I hate new Google Search Result layout!

    I liked Google for its simplicity. This looks vaguely like a toolbar on the left side of the browser :no:
  6. R

    Are you able to access lockerz???

    Its working fine for me :)
  7. R

    Currently Listening

    Dido - northern skies Scintillating track.
  8. R

    Please fill backup & reliability survey

    Done ...... 10 chars :)
  9. R

    Graphic Cards Graphic card buying advice

    Re: The Graphic Card Advisor yes u should.
  10. R

    2009/10 English Premier League and Champions League Thread

    So how many supporters for Chelsea here? M one, but am disappointed by their games recently. Lately have been noticing lots of inconsistency in the team.
  11. R

    Anybody from mumbai? Need one info

    Leaving at 1 should be enough for u.. just make sure u don find any difficulties getting a cab in ur area at that time :)
  12. R

    Anybody from mumbai? Need one info

    1-1.5 hrs. However, in ideal circumstances its a less than 45 mins trip. but traffic can easily double ur time. Traffic can be a menace from 7 in the morning to 12 in the night, so leave accordingly. Since trains are packed usually round the clock (i guess gone are the days when afternoons one...
  13. R


    OP , it mite help if u add some link to the specifications of this phone. All the best with the sale :)
  14. R

    Is there any way to earn money from a High end PC???

    ^ TFC - Techie Fried Chicken :rofl:
  15. R

    The Nokia 5230 / 5233 Thread

    ^^ without the bill the police will hardly be any cooperative . To file an FIR they need the proof that u had bought the cell and the bill is the only thing they accept.
  16. R

    Diff bet pre- & post- paid plans ?

    ^^ thats right. U need to consider all of the above mentioned by Madnav. there are lots of fineprints which people miss most of the times and end up paying for services they thought were free.
  17. R

    The Nokia 5230 / 5233 Thread

    The outdoor snaps on 5233 are good. its the indoor ones that are occasionally crappy.
  18. R

    Diff bet pre- & post- paid plans ?

    Prepaid cards are those where u pay in advance for the services u avail while postpaid is billing, u pay later on for the services u have used. ;) Post paid plans are good for those customers who really don know how much their usage could be or for the freedom of using their cell without having...
  19. R

    Car & Bike looking for the cheapest car there is!!!

    Accent is a good car but i strongly feel it might be messed up sumwer. Accents' don go that cheap i suppose. Make sure its an accident free vehicle. Also take a good mechanic u can trust to check the car.
  20. R

    Stone Falling from Sky, Still can't believe.

    hey rahul, sorry if u took my post in the wrong way mate. My apologies for the same. Anyways just my 2cents on this okay, There are many reasons why this can happen. as Soulfire has mentioned, most of the times it is nothing but the hailstones that u have probably encountered. They usually are...