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    Received :)
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    Amazing. Thanks again.
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    Graphic Cards Will GPUs with 8GB of Vram struggle to run upcoming games?

    Well if you are an expert at soldering you can mod it A brazilian guy was able to add more vram to his 3070
  4. K

    25-30k Recommend android phone under 30k, thanks

    This phone looks pretty cool NGL. Ticks a lot of my boxes.
  5. K

    Monitors Monitor Buying Advice

    Mainly got it for the CUDA cores but yeah. Thanks for the recommendation.
  6. K

    Monitors Monitor Buying Advice

    Thankyou. Much appreciated.
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    Monitors Monitor Buying Advice

    Hello Sers, How do you know/check what's the best resolution and refresh rate your setup supports? I currently have a 3070 paired with 13600kf and I believe I can do 2k even 4k but not sure at what refresh rate. Would love some recommendations as well.
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    1 hour+ power backup solution for my gaming rig.

    Sorry to ping this thread but what did you end up getting?
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    English TV series discussion

    Barry S4 Sad that this is the series finale
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    FS: Others [GIVEAWAY] Mi Air Purifier 2S + HP Wireless Keyboard

    Will let others have it. Sorry to waste your time. A little too far for me.
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    FS: Others [GIVEAWAY] Mi Air Purifier 2S + HP Wireless Keyboard

    Would love the purifier. From Mumbai as well.
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    Is there any Indian forum for financial advice

    +1 for Asan Ideas for Wealth The admin Ashal Jauhari will ask you to DM him for a detailed chat if needed. The members are quite knowlegable as well. For detailed plans you can even get in touch with a Fee Only Financial Planners. (They charge a fixed one time fee for a plan for you unlike...
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    Shipment received. Thankyou.
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    What to do with old Laptops?

    Got it. Will test em out in the future.
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    What to do with old Laptops?

    I did not know you could exchange for other things. I will keep this in mind.
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    What to do with old Laptops?

    What are some DIY ideas for old laptops? Homeserver, nas, etc.
  17. K

    FS: Mobile Nokia 2660 Flip, 4G, Black color

    I was so close as well to an impulse buy. Good luck with the sale ser.
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    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    Yeah a good ending to the guardians. Loved the tracks as well. Onto my playlist. ;)
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    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    Weekends mad expensive. Especially PVR. I went to Cinepolis.
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    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    GOTG v3 Decent movie. Better than any Marvel movies in the past year.