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  1. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

    well till 28 it wasn't don't know about yesterday didn't played
  2. mastersquall

    Looking for 500W+ PSU

    Hi, I am looking for 500+ PSU and 80+ certified
  3. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

    Soon my K/D ratio will reach 1 :ohyeah:
  4. mastersquall

    Laptops Burning smell from new laptop

    well smell used to come from laptop in both mode battery and a charger
  5. mastersquall

    Laptops Burning smell from new laptop

    ok till today that smell wasn't going off even after using laptop non-stop so today i marched into asus service centre in sparta madness End result they agreed to replace it . they said it will take one week if i can wait
  6. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

    well i always drop ammo and lot that is why i got supply dog tag :P
  7. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

    i like queue feature atleast relief from constant refresh just to enter server of your choice .
  8. mastersquall

    Laptops Burning smell from new laptop

    :rofl: look like to me but he said i have only 1month to do
  9. mastersquall

    big cabinet(game) + backlit keyboard + gaming mouse

    why didn't you put it on sale before i could have brought it well now i already purchased nzxt avatar S ya i know i wanted some good looking mouse . lol are sure you can see everything
  10. mastersquall

    Laptops Burning smell from new laptop

    dam it that thing didn't came to mind . what will happen too this country .
  11. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

    oooops :P look like too much over dose
  12. mastersquall

    Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

    nice way to capture jet hehe but now days i am addicted to team kill match
  13. mastersquall

    Laptops Burning smell from new laptop

    today guy from asus visited he said he doesn't find anything wrong with laptop . what made me laugh his after comment Sir, Why worry max. laptop will become toast and we will replace it for new one simple just call me when it is dead . me was like [attachment=10348:17226.attach]
  14. mastersquall

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    crap look like i have to wait for better coupons
  15. mastersquall

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    guys can i combine 2 coupon to buy one item ?
  16. mastersquall

    Laptops Burning smell from new laptop

    oh i see then should i call toll free number and tell them not to send person . BTW i am enjoying this laptop very well . just completed watching non-stop 3 movie though at 3rd movie half way battery gave up :P .
  17. mastersquall

    Laptops Burning smell from new laptop

    actually i never noticed burning smell in my asus g73(but another reason could be rear exhaust so might haven't noticed ) well i already complained let see what the guy has to said .
  18. mastersquall

    Laptops Burning smell from new laptop

    i have been using it non-stop since this saturday only gave it brake at night . just loving this laptop great battery for its size and dam lighter . just need to put more RAM and its good to go
  19. mastersquall

    Laptops Burning smell from new laptop

    :rofl: but how long does it take to vanish