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  1. joel.elias.333

    31-40k Repair old one or get new one?

    Ok this is a bit different from the rest of the threads here. My current laptop is an studio XPS 16. The OS I believe is corrupted and the dvd drive is screwed up. Plus the battery is not charging anymore. It is a 3.5ish yr old laptop. I have an option to get a new laptop (a 40K one from US...
  2. joel.elias.333

    31-40k Worthwhile Configuration?

    Dell doesn't have international warranty from what I know. I ordered my studio XPS 16 from the US three years back. I enquired then. dunno if rules have changed. You have to pay extra for international warranty I believe. I repeat... Am not updated on the current scenario. P.S. Sweet deal...
  3. joel.elias.333

    51-70k Laptop to be used primarily for gaming

    I read somewhere that it can be solved if multi gestures are disabled...
  4. joel.elias.333

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    Anyone has a clue how much a used 'NFS hot pursuit' platinum edition ps3 game is worth? I have no idea how old it is or if the online codes have been used. But I am guessing that it is somewhere near 1.5 years old (mint condition though) and that the online codes are used.
  5. joel.elias.333

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    Any help would be appreciated. :) P.S. The original charger is missing apparently. Am told any micro-usb charger/data cable will work.
  6. joel.elias.333

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    Hi, I am looking to sell a Xperia S LT26i on behalf of my brother's friend. Bought on 17th April 2012. - so warrant still remaining. Condition of product - few scratches here and there but in perfect working codnition. (8/10) Have all accessoies included like NFC tags, the hdmi converter etc...
  7. joel.elias.333

    PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

    Black Screen as game starts... My ps3 is jb'd. kmeaw 3.55 n all that. Secondhand bought recently. Am a complete noob so please don't flame me if u think the q is dumb. Anyway for some games I am getting a black screen and then nothing happens. Games i tried were RAW12 n Prince of Persia...
  8. joel.elias.333

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    Hello... Can I know how much is a 40gb fat model (unhacked) 3.55 firmware worth?
  9. joel.elias.333

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    I have a panasonic 32 inch LCD television. It is full HD. (2 hdmi ports) It is two years old. It was bought from malaysia. No warranty or bill or box or anything. Picture quality is still the very same. no deterioration. The left speaker slightly gives a weird sound when the volume is 90 to...
  10. joel.elias.333

    WTB Ps3

    I am looking to buy a ps3 (modded one hopefully but will look at others as well if it is an ok deal)... Any offers from chennai/blore/cochin/hyd? :happy26: