Search results

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    Graphic Cards RPTech India Sale for RTX 3070 today at 11AM

    It was available, they sold ~40 units.
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    My first foray into Water cooling

    Looks great. Where did you source the Flow+Temp meter? Also, did you paint parts of your Dark Hero white?
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    WTB 2080 TI Founders Edition or Asus Strix 2080 Ti

    Hello, looking for a 2080 Ti Founders edition only. I am building a custom loop machine, and this is one of the cards whose gpu block is easily available. Would prefer to buy one with at least 6 months warranty, but that is not mandatory.
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    41-50k Building a NAS (Unraid)

    You do not require the hardware functionality of the RAID controller, but you can use the controllers to give you the required SAS/SATA ports on your motherboard of choice.
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    41-50k Building a NAS (Unraid)

    I recommend you go with a mobo that supports ECC memory and opt for that. Is extremely useful for NAS/Backup purposes. I think the 4350g is perfect for your choice, as it is a "pro" cpu and has official ECC support.
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    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    I think 15-16k would be good. Would make an excellent buy for someone who wants to upgrade from legacy hardware.
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    Storage Solutions 2 x Kingston A400 m.2 SSD DOA?

    970 Evo plus is a NVMe drive, so the fact that it works does not mean that a SATA m.2 drive will work in the same slot. Like ashok mentioned above, please take a detailed look at your PC specification and see if any of them support SATA m.2 ssd's.
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    WTB I need dead 2nd / 3ed / 4th generation motherboards

    Have a non bootable Asus Crosshair V formula z board. Lights up and everything, no physical damage, but unable to boot. Location Mumbai
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    WTB Motorola z device Preferably z2 force

    How much would you offer for a Moto Z2 Play in excellent condition? Has a battery and jbl speaker mod in great condition too.
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    WTB 2tb SSD

    Bump. 4tb ssd's also welcome.
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    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    How much can I get for a Iphone X 256gb Black. Condition is excellent, no warranty. Location Mumbai...
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    WTB 2 tb 2.5 inch HDD internal

    Just remember that WD portable drives are not shuckable.
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    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    How much can I get for a Iphone X 256gb Black. Condition is excellent, no warranty. Location Mumbai
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    [LOCKED!] USA to India New service Cheap

    Hi my sata ssd was delivered yesterday at your address. Please confirm receipt.
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    WTB NGFF (M.2 Interface) Wifi Bluetooth Card for Asrock Mobo

    Same as current price, 5249
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    WTB NGFF (M.2 Interface) Wifi Bluetooth Card for Asrock Mobo This is what I bought for my asrock board. Works great.
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    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    Hi, thanks for the input. I did not mean that I cannot use the card for ML, my intention is to figure out if the card is worth more than twice the 3080. I had bought this when it seemed like the 3080 FE is going to be a pipe dream, and to me, the 3090 FE seemed more VFM than a decent 3080 AIB...
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    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    How much could I get for a 3090 FE, bought in Early January. Hardly used. I managed to luck out and get my hands on the 3080 FE too. I need a card for ML/AI applications, and knowing what price I can resell it at would help me evaluate the cost to performance ratio better.
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    FS: Storage Hardware Samsung 860 Pro 256GB SSD (Sealed)
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    WTB Samsung NVMe 256GB

    Payment received. Will ship today