Search results

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    Laptops Unable to adjust brightness on Windows 8 - Macbook

    Yeap, everything's working fine!
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    Compact 2.1 Speakers under 15k

    How about Boss Companion 5 for 14k ? I'm getting a slightly used with warranty. How's this deal?
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    Laptops Unable to adjust brightness on Windows 8 - Macbook

    It was a bug in the firmware itself. There was a new firmware update released which I forgot to do on the Mac OSX. I just did it now and the brightness issues has been resolved.
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    Laptops Unable to adjust brightness on Windows 8 - Macbook

    As soon as Windows 8 was installed, all the drivers were automatically setup by Bootcamp. So how do I get the display driver seperately?
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    Compact 2.1 Speakers under 15k

    I'm looking for some compact 2.1 Speaker system under 15k for my laptop. I need a compact one as I do not have much space on the desk, so those large sub-woofer ones are out of context. I'll be watching movies, shows and documentaries occasionally. Don't need it much for anything else. I've...
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    Laptops Unable to adjust brightness on Windows 8 - Macbook

    But all the drivers are handled by Bootcamp right so there's no need for any additional drivers ?
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    Laptops Unable to adjust brightness on Windows 8 - Macbook

    Hi, I recently brought a Macbook Air (Mid-2012), I installed Windows 8 Pro on it using the latest Bootcamp. Everything is working fine, except I'm unable to control the brightness. When I press F1 - F2, I do get the overlay and it shows brightness increasing/decreasing but the brightness stays...
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    41-50k 45k for MacBook Pro Early 2011, Worth it ?

    Got an unused, sealed pack latest MacBook Air 13'' instead.
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    2.1 Speaker under 8k for movies but balanced

    Infact off lately I'm considering of sounbdars only, do you know which would be the best all in one soundbar ?
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    41-50k 45k for MacBook Pro Early 2011, Worth it ?

    Forgot to mention it's 13'' early 2011.
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    41-50k 45k for MacBook Pro Early 2011, Worth it ?

    He has extended the warranty. Note, Its Core i5 first generation.
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    41-50k 45k for MacBook Pro Early 2011, Worth it ?

    I am getting a deal of MacBook pro Early 2011. Core i5, 4Gb Ram and all the standard specs. It comes with more than a year's warranty. Battery backup is great. I'm thinking to offer the seller 45k ? I'm quoting high or just right ?
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    FS: Monitor and LCD BenQ G2020HD for 1500/-

    Don't know about that, they appeared all of a sudden and are constant. It doesn't bother all too much as 90% of the time you're not focusing at that specific region.
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    FS: Monitor and LCD BenQ G2020HD for 1500/-

    Mumbai. I'm not looking to ship at the moment.
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    FS: Monitor and LCD BenQ G2020HD for 1500/-

    No the horizontal white line towards the bottom in the second shot.
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    FS: Monitor and LCD BenQ G2020HD for 1500/-

    All the details are there above. Please notice the defect that I've posted.
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    FS: Monitor and LCD BenQ G2020HD for 1500/-

    BenQ G2020HD Monitor - DVI Cable included (Will search for Box and Bill if really needed) Bought in June 2009 Monitor shows up horizontal white lines at the bottom part of the screen. It only shows up when that part of the screen is...
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    Monitors 24+ inch Monitor under 20K

    24 should be fine too.