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    Restoring Window 10 to old Customization

    Unluckily I had to format/reset my windows 10 a couple of times in the last 2 months and more than resetting the bigger frustrating part is again customizing everything to your liking. Can't we just save all the customization and have them again once we are done reset/format? Like...
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    Smart bulb Wifi

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    FS: Software Norton 360 Premium 2020 includes VPN and Internet security for 375 Days - 0 available.

    So If I use Password Manager service you will be able to see those password because it will sync everything to the mail ID which is yours + you're the mail account and others are the child account to parent?
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    How can I find out who is stealing electricity?

    I came to post what OP has already figured out. This has been a lifetime issue here in Ghaziabad. The guys putting wrong reading and bill coming out more than expected. People have even received bill of 10-20k lol. Always check your reading against the reading in bill whenever in doubt.
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    Security Software Internet security suite for Windows?

    @vyral_143 tha ke will try and post. The download location mentioned was empty after fresh install and every single software was freshly downloaded. I've even deleted all the old .exe softwares from my backup drive. Don't no what is causing what. Yesterday's summar : Literally wasted whole...
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    Security Software Internet security suite for Windows?

    Hey and it happened again. Below is the report as per MalwareBytes scan: Virus.Neshta, C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\GOOGLE\CHROME\APPLICATION\83.0.4103.97\ELEVATION_SERVICE.EXE, No Action By User, 7426, 645219, 1.0.25176, , ame, Virus.Neshta, C:\PROGRAM FILES...
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    Security Software Internet security suite for Windows?

    This has irritated me like thrice in last couple of months and none of the time it was during an installation. Like yesterday : I haven't installed anything in last 2 months. Only few games over Steam and Epic Games. And then this happened last night out of nowhere. Also, yes it is blocking...
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    Boot issue - Unresponsive Keyboard & Mouse

    I have 16gigs of Gskill Ripjaws 1600Mhz. Will surely try this too. Bios I haven't touched from sometime now so have to look for those options. This issue is like 6-7 months old and has been there with stock + overclocking, both. Thanks for your input mate. Will try soon.
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    Boot issue - Unresponsive Keyboard & Mouse

    Had forgotten this. Will check and post. Also no need to hurry. Can anytime cut the main power for a second after shutdown and this will happen. [emoji52]
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    Security Software Internet security suite for Windows?

    I'm.using windows defender since 2011 in all my systems. Never even bothered to search or read for a AntiVirus ever. Got no virus attack, no malware, no irritating format due to virus till now. But from few months now Windows Defender is acting weird. Its blocking the fake games (not using the...
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    Boot issue - Unresponsive Keyboard & Mouse

    Hey, I'm facing this weird issue from sometime now. My keyboard and mouse does not respond on the window login screen (not able to type in password) if and when I shutdown my computer and cut off all the power. But if I just do the shutdown and no power off from switch board, then it boots...
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    Online Game Deals - Steam, Amazon, Origin, GOG, Humble Bundles

    Don't know if this is already posted here but just noticed that UNREAL TOURNAMENT is available for free download on Epic Games. I remember this epic lan + multiplayer game back from Sify gamedrones from 2005-2006. I'm definitely gonna play it.
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    PC Peripherals Cooler Master HAF 912 Cabinet

    I can do DIY, but not good with such electricals. 100% chance of me ruining it.
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    PC Peripherals Cooler Master HAF 912 Cabinet

    I have a Cooler Master HAF 912 back from 2013 but have some issue with front panel ports. Like the earphone jack is a bit messy, a bit of movement and it stops working.I have to fix it to the point where it works. Same goes for 2usb ports, they have a bit rusted now and doesn't work 90% of the...
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    Online Game Deals - Steam, Amazon, Origin, GOG, Humble Bundles

    Had no idea that such thread exists. WOW! Any idea if GTA is coming to free sale again ? :D
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    WTB wtb led monitor

    I have Dell and Samsung. Where are you from?
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    Storage Solutions Cheapest and basic NAS setup suggestion...

    As you've already the HDD is separate from router, yes it should be as a continuous sharing device as long as the router is running, which should be. lol Why not look for some friend with a similar router and first try that before buying?
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    FS: Mobile Samsung Galaxy Watch 46mm

    I'm kinda interested in the watch but you never posted HD pics or sent it to me. Soooo! Could you send me now?
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    How much will a 2nd hand GTX 1060 6GB would cost?

    So whats your update finally? What did you do lol.
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    PC Peripherals PSU - get it repaired or buy a new [Hyderabad] ...

    Update : Got the Antec EarthWatt Pro 650 Gold from Smc International, Delhi last Saturday and my Rig came back from dead, lol. Love the feeling even though I've running i7's and Ripjaws and all those fancy stuff from 2010. :D Okay so my Cpu was connected to Elnova 1k UPS that time and UPS was...