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  1. siddharth.beam

    Guitar Discussion Thread

    I am planning to learn guitar so i want to know which guitar should i use as a beginner .
  2. siddharth.beam

    Sennheiser Ie8 Or Ie80 ?

    Now if i add cowon J3 in between sansa clip+ & rocoo p how it will going to fair among these two.i am curious to know because i have recently purchased Cowon j3 .& i also want to know is sansa clip zip is better then Sansa clip + what are the additional feature which has been added to clip zip...
  3. siddharth.beam

    Sony PS Vita - Discussion Thread

    I was planning to buy vita but i had faced the same when i purchased Nintendo 3ds it was 249$ but few month later the price dropped & it was really frustrating .but that gave me a good lesson so this time i will wait for Sony vita price drop.
  4. siddharth.beam

    Sennheiser Ie8 Or Ie80 ?

    yeah & that deep hole caught upto me also so which source u r using with ur IEM. i am really curious how ur Sennheiser IE80 sounded.
  5. siddharth.beam

    A Compendium of Audio Zone Reviews and Rankings: IEMs, Headphones & Sources

    I also wish to try all the IEM u all have but i don't how it will going to get possible
  6. siddharth.beam

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    unable to control myself just ordered it . it is so cute it was like it was calling me purchaseeeee meeeeeeeeee
  7. siddharth.beam


    I am already familiar with this type of seller they sell fake & after few days they delete their account from eBay. & very interesting thing some time ago i had a long chat with a seller selling Beats solo HD just for 5000 i asked him if i find them to be fake i will send them back to them &...
  8. siddharth.beam

    Sennheiser Ie8 Or Ie80 ?

    Congrats siddharth its like i am congratulating to myself well i totally agree with @esantosh it some what curiosity & willingness to reach the higher level of what u have now . & i totally agree with both of you & everyone here but it a matter of choice & hobby & don't criticize anybody for...
  9. siddharth.beam

    Random DAC/Amp Thread!!

    So what do u mean by properly amp what its mean to be properly amp for Hd650 & which device can properly amp hd650 & what u use for properly amping ur cans(hd600 or hd25 or any other hp which need amping.
  10. siddharth.beam

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Victor JVC FXT90 LE gold Cost 6200 approx & i don't know why no custom was charged ordered from japan. cowon j3 4gb awesome PMP Investment 10500 Rs (worthwhile) Its an awesome PMP love it one of my best purchase.:-D:-D:-D:-D 32gb class 10 micro SD card. Investment 2099 Rs (worthwhile)
  11. siddharth.beam

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    how much for those custom rewiring for ur sennheiser ?
  12. siddharth.beam

    Random DAC/Amp Thread!!

    Now i think it was set to 64 to 300 ohms it sound much better compared to earlier Hp setting . but i want more . on same sound sig but little bit thin & every think much bigger .
  13. siddharth.beam

    Random DAC/Amp Thread!!

    The sound which i get after setting all setting is thick. I want something decent which make it sound less thick i want which make it extract more detail like instrumental guitar much better separation .vocal is good the way it is. bass should go more deep & tight little bit more treble & much...
  14. siddharth.beam

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    I am using my asus xonar essence st but i think i will going to go for an dedicated amp for later on.
  15. siddharth.beam

    Random DAC/Amp Thread!!

    budget for Amp can go from 20,000 to 40,000 but if their is any VFM product which can beat SQ of asus xonar essence st . yeah i have already done all the above mention setting Its good but not what i was expecting.
  16. siddharth.beam

    Random DAC/Amp Thread!!

    hi I am the newbie in audio tech i just recently purchased Asus xonar essence st + Sennheiser HD650 it was not up-to my expectation i think i was missing something & also read lot about burn-in for Hd 650 is that really mean or is just a hoax so any suggestion to get something muchhh more...
  17. siddharth.beam

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Sennheiser Hd650 300 ohms Reference class headphone. Initial impression :- this headphone are one of the renowned headphone in their segment it is very light & comfortable detailing are above the bar from my first imp. sound stage is good above any Cans i have used till now .& for my rest imp...
  18. siddharth.beam

    Your PC Picture

    My Rig - black Angel
  19. siddharth.beam

    Need a pair of Headphones upto 12K

    i want to ask u have fiio e17 as well asus xonar essence stx which makes ur sound better on ur headphone.
  20. siddharth.beam

    Need suggestion for headphone budget 22k

    where are u getting HD650 for 22000 Rs i am willing to purchase