Search results

  1. A

    FS: Consoles PS4 500GB + Games + BR Movies

    Only if the console is sold first. I am not really sure which BR does not plays on PS4. I have watched a few on the PS4. I mostly use my HTPC with Blu-ray drive to watch these movies.
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    FS: Consoles PS4 500GB + Games + BR Movies

    500gb Console + 1 Joystick + 15 games + 18 BR movies. Games: The Last of US Remastered Farcry Primal Need for Speed Rivals KillZone ShadowFall God of War Uncharted Collection Uncharted Lost Legacy Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Metal Gear Solid 5 Titanfall 2 Horizon Zero Dawn...
  3. A

    WTB PS4 Normal/ Slim 500 gb/ 1TB

    I have some games, but in Mira Rd / Dahisar.
  4. A

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    Ya. Mostly games like HZD, GOW, RDR2, All Uncharted titles, GTAV, Last of US 1, Witcher Wild Hunt, Assassin Creed, Titanfall, Rise of Tomb Raider etc.
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    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    I have some stuff to sell but not sure about the prices. Can someone guide on the approx. please? Only pickup (Mumbai) and none have any warranty left. 1) PS4 with 1 controller/2 Move controllers and 10-15 games 2) 4 2TB hdds (mix of black and green) 3) Mediasonic Probox 8 bay (H82-SU3S2) 4)...
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    FS: Consoles PS3 250GB Console

    Final Bump......
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    FS: Consoles PS3 250GB Console

    Sunday Bump......,
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    FS: Consoles PS3 250GB Console

    Soft. From 3.55.
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    FS: Consoles PS3 250GB Console

    Its already on Rogero.
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    FS: Consoles PS3 250GB Console

    Added Killzone 3 in list of games...
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    FS: Consoles PS3 250GB Console

    ^ Its mentioned in the description. Its the Slim version.
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    FS: Consoles PS3 250GB Console

    Saturday Bump....
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    FS: Consoles PS3 250GB Console

    Oops..Corrected. Thanks...
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    FS: Consoles PS3 250GB Console

    The skin had been put at the same time I had bought the console and it is peeling from the sides. Can be changed or removed by the buyer, if needed. Works perfectly fine. Games Included: Dead Space 2 Sports Champion The Fight Dragon Age 2 Killzone 3 Accessories included: 1 Controller Ps3 Eye...
  15. A

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    How much for PS3 slim 250gb with Rogero, no warranty. It includes Move kit ( Camera, 2 motion controllers, 1 navigation controller) and 5-6 games, latest been killzone 3.
  16. A

    PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

    ^ yes it was better coz it made my purchase of move (eye + 2 controllers + 1 paddle) hurt less..:P ..but some new fun games to try in SC2..specially Skiing..shwooop.shwoooop:D...and Boxing.