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    PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

    ^ Me too... The console was gathering dust with 3.55. Wanted to play Sport Champion 2. Changed to Rogero 3.55 then 4.30, and now playing SC2...:bigok:
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    Monitors Which monitor to buy? Dell U2312M or U2412M?

    Is there an HDMI option available on any of these 24" IPS monitors (Between 15-20k)? Need it for PC + PS3 + Development...
  3. A Deals and Coupons

    Nothing to do with coupons..but just an update...
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    Seagate Goflex Net Discussion

    Need some help here please.. Was trying to install Debian using this Connected the GoFlex Net to the router. Enabled SSH in pogo page. Green light on the Flex indicator is on. Realized the ip is dynamic. So changed in the router (Tomato firmware) to assign static ip to the pogo mac. Green...
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    Seagate Goflex Net Discussion

    Ooook..I finally got those darn cables for hooking in the drives to the GoFlex Net. But I'm not sure where to start and need some help.. 1) Should I first register myself on the Seagate site (I think it’s required for enabling SSH. Not sure) 2) Confused between Arch and Debian. My unix...
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    Which Gaming Console To Buy ??

    Are you going to use the console for gaming + Media player and buy expensive movie blurays? If Yes, get the PS3. If No, get the PS3. On a serious note, just check the gameplay of the exclusives on youtube (as suggested above). If you like what you see, then go for the PS3, else whatever is cheaper.
  7. A Deals and Coupons

    Hey, give her a break, maan! Everyone is entitled to their own musical preference... So that 10% cashback is working for credit cards. Can someone please tell me how it works? I've never done a cashback thingy before, hence the ignorance...
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    Iniviting All Downloaders (No PC & laptop users)

    Maan, these cables not available on GEB? Where did you source it from? Do the sites provided above, ship to India? Also, can I attach drives (or enclosures) on both sides of the flex for media and also use the USB port with a boot+torrents drive only. If we can use both then I need to order a...
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    Modem/Router for MTNL

    Cool...How is it holding up with MTNL?
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    Airtel's new plans

    What the Fraik? I thought FUP was only for downloads... Damn these FUP mofos..:@ It must be crapping out on online gaming sessions...Now my pathetic MTNL doesn't seem so pathetic after all....
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    Iniviting All Downloaders (No PC & laptop users)

    I've RT16 with Tomato and using Transmission. Its working pretty well for the past few months. My hdd is formatted as NTFS (I couldn't copy completed files to W7 using ext3). The only gripe is the transfer speed from router to pc. Copy speed is around 5mbps for Lan and 3mbps through Wifi. I'm...
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    Airtel's new plans

    ^^ That you have capped your upload limit to < 2 KB/s?
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    [SUGGESTION] What to order ???

    From my ordered list for 2011 : Amazon : Citizen Eco-Drive watch (was almost double the prize here). I got it on sale when it dropped by 100$. Habitrol Nicotine Quit Smoking Gum Hi-Tec Altitude Hiking Shoes Toslink Optical Cables 4x2 TOSlink Splitter (for splitting PS3/HTPC/ACRyan out to amp...
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    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    How does one know if its B1? Do they specifically mention it in the title? For eg: I was about to buy this but not sure about the version. Asus RT-N13U Wireless N Router Print Server . Buy Best Asus RT-N13U Wireless N Router Print Server at Lowest Price Online
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    Modem/Router for MTNL

    It has one USB port...I dont think DD WRT is supported on ADSL..but does the modem itself has some inbuilt BT client that uses that port?
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    ~ The Mobile Phone Advisor ~

    Anyone here uses the C5-00? Want it for dad.. Main use is Music, FM, Calls only...hence no qwerty. Also checked C2.. but he feels its a little cheap..and i would feel guilty getting him that and using X6/BB Bold myself. Any other ideas? >5k and <10k...If C5-00 had wifi, i would've got it, eyes...
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    Ac Ryan Playon!HD Network Media Player + Wireless

    ^ and ^^ Yes.................
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    Ac Ryan Playon!HD Network Media Player + Wireless
