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  1. S

    RevolutionTT open for sign ups

    sorry guys still open!
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    RevolutionTT open for sign ups

    thanx was abt to post it!
  3. S

    When pirates clash

    SCENE is a place in web like where the torrents r releasd .And many of the P2P Sites sysops and admins will be members and regulate this scene and control it.. I hope u understood!!
  4. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    Zamunda.NET best replacement for demonoid get in fast!!
  5. S

    any place where high can find hd torrents

    arnd 80-100kBps .. stable is 80kBps
  6. S

    any place where high can find hd torrents

    just 15gb+ u guys don take the advantage of this plan lol.. i dwnld more than 90gb+ per month lol.... :D :ohyeah:
  7. S

    When pirates clash

    Even a gr8 tracker like FTN has faced the same fate.. It happens like this onli its common!!
  8. S

    List your top three torrent sites!

    even try out , FTNrocks in pack HD packs...
  9. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    ElbitZ.NET, Your Online Learning Center :: Login
  10. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    Tm-Torque Version 2.0 :: Signup 2,044 files. Libitina French trackers- Quebec Torrent tracker pour tous. :: Signup 5,845 torrents. Infierno-Advitam : Enregistrement 4,835 files. Tracker ItomA :: Signup 3,598 files. OpenSpaceTorrent :: Signup 1,988 files.
  11. S

    any place where high can find hd torrents,scnehd etc...
  12. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread :: Signup Tri-Tavern II :: Signup [--P2P Worlds Tracker--] - Account Management Technet Tracker :: Signup Over 1,100 files. h33t - Account Management 9,938 files. Torrent Storage download torrents Over 8,000 files.
  13. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread :: Signup still open. 4,811 files
  14. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread :: Signup 5,921 files and free leech.
  15. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    Infierno-Advitam : Enregistrement French tracker with 4,775 files. ~ ~ Culture et Partage ~ :: Signup French. 4,866 files. Open at time of post.
  16. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    Redskunk :: Signup 2,620 files. This site has been closed for a loooong time, so go now.
  17. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    PeerHub :: Signup 2,604 torrents. BTZonE :: Signup Open today and tomorrow only (usually). "...only have 0.25x the download amount applied to your account!" Almost 800 torrents. Bulgarian trackers- - Account Management 4,491 files. alein (tm) :: Torrent Tracker :: -...
  18. S

    List your top three torrent sites!

    dono but i have an accnt there :D
  19. S

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    .: MeTaL-tOrReNtS :. :: Anmeldung
  20. S

    List your top three torrent sites!
