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    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    Blackcats 2.2 :: Signup Now.
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    BitAddict :: Signup Finnish tracker with 1,443 torrents. Net13 - Account Management 2,996.
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    Dont Install Vista SP1 RC1

    beta ver of vista SP1 was working fine .. I donno wat they have done to this RC1
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    BiTT v3 :: Signup 6,249 torrents. Swedish- :: Signup 1,595 torrents *. S t a r B i t s . s e (S T A R B I T S) 2,464 * Romanian- SceneLinks :: Signup 3,776 * Torrents City v3.1 :: Signup 1,276 * Polish- Polski Torrent,Gry,Filmy,Bajki,Programy :: Rejestracja 6,794 * Geotrack -...
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread :: Signup Spanish tracker, 827 files. THEMUSIK :: Signup 2,168. Psy Torrents : Signup - Psychedelic (Psy Torrents) 1,681 torrents. Welcome to DeepSeek, find music, movies, games, software Bulgarian. 8,930 torrents.
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    listing out all the scammers we find and ban them

    but still u cant trust anyone!!
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    Best HD torrent sites

    but both arnt equal to its the best!!
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    BSNL is changing speeds?

    very reliable doesnt ask nonsense things like!!:bleh:
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    good porn torrent site no upload ratio leech some torrent needs vip status but majority of them dont.
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    Desitorrents Down..

    ur realization is too late dude...:rofl:
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    BSNL is changing speeds?

    I got an info tat frm my frnd tat can anyone confirm whether this is true or not??
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread (Game Cube Tracker) 3,244 torrents.
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    Solarion Bittorrent Tracker v2.0 Hungarian tracker with 3,690 files. Psy Torrents : Signup - Psychedelic (Psy Torrents) Mostly Psy, and trance, but I saw a few movies, as well. 1,620 files. ProSportTorrents - Account Management Will close at 5,000 members. Aradi Tracker - Account Management...
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    IPtorrents invite giveaway

    invite sent to chief!
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    IPtorrents invite giveaway

    i have few invites to iptorrents if anyone needs it just post it ill see and send the invitations to whom who really deserve it.:hap2:
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    Azureus Scheduling problems

    dude use a diffent software like advanced task scheduler it works fine with me!!
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    Schumma Is a cheating scammer

    yup he is righ its better to close tat thread off... mods arent noticing these things at all . where r the mods??
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    Schumma Is a cheating scammer

    dude wateva u do never trade inside this forum its filled with scmmers... all at ur own risk!!
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    Quebec Torrent tracker pour tous. :: Signup 5,427 torrents, French tracker. Technet Tracker :: Signup Romanian tracker with 1,026 torrents.