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    Storage Solutions Urgent: Hardware failure or driver failure?

    Best way to check if the drive is kaput is to boot from it. If it boots, it is fine. If it doesn't it's not fine. :ohyeah: Another trick that worked on XP (don't know about vista, is the device manager the same?) was to delete the drive from the device manager and reboot. XP reinstalls the...
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    Storage Solutions strange error with hard drive

    Don't know the names but there are a number of shops on SP Road. I got an HDD fixed when I was in college, asked around 6 to 8 places before I settled on one. You get very different rates from different shops so you might want to double/treble check. Sorry can't remember the name of the place...
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    Sarah Palin Debate Flow Chart

    American politicians have always provided good comedy material. Another great personality is Dan Quayle (VP to GWBush Senior) Dan Quayle - Wikiquote "My friends, no matter how rough the road may be, we can and we will never surrender to what is right." In a speech to the Christian Coalition
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    Laptops Good laptop?

    A friend wants to purchase a laptop as she's starting off on her medical internship thing. Budget: 35 K Approx Primary Usage : Web surfing, movies+music (should not crap out on HD content), barely gaming (flash games perhaps) Size and weight no bar: Biggest screen possible at this budget...
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    Linux ATi Display Driver Installation Problem on Suse 11.0

    Also please post the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log (do it on a pastebin, the output will be quite a lot). #cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log
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    Post ur C/C++ Programs Here

    From Hello World ! - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> class string { private: int size; char *ptr; public: string() : size(0), ptr(new char('\0')) {} string(const string &s) : size(s.size) { ptr = new...
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    need C language pure or Turbo C

    OT: Why is everyone hell bent on using the antiquated Borland Turbo C compiler (the one with the infamous blue screen)? Is there so much of code that will _only_ compile on this compiler?
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    System keeps on shutting down!

    It could be any problem :) If it gave issues during installation too, it could possibly be a heating issue. It could be a problematic HDD. Have a look inside the box, is your proccy fan clogged? Try running memory diagnostics too (say using a liveCD with memtest86)
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    Linux Ubuntu 8.10 Discussion Thread

    Just upgraded my Hardy installation to Intrepid Beta for kicks (Slow Sunday). Will probably do a clean install later. Quick take Pros: Love the new tabbed nautilus interface Much needed eject button next to drives in the places menubar (left of nautilus) NetworkManager works prettier...
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    Google SMS Channel

    killer thing. now i can spam my friends too :-D
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    How do I increase my bandwidth ?

    Holy mackerel. 5 CONNECTIONS! I hope it's your work setup.
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    SFW err.. movie

    Presenting safe for work pr0n movie. Disclaimer : Don't try this at work, though. You might get into trouble. Diesel SFW XXX = Make Porn Work-Safe: THE MOVIE!
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    Guide How to design a Partition Layout for fast and efficient Backup and Recovery

    That is the exact problem. Personally the only stuff that I backup is the _actual_ data I produce/create. Documents, photos, notes and occasional scripts. Other than that I'm pretty much OS agnostic and I barely have any special software requirements apart from the defaults (perhaps photoshop...
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    Crack open that dead iPod!

    @TechHead: Noob question. Any hassles while getting stuff shipped from the US?
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    Guide How to design a Partition Layout for fast and efficient Backup and Recovery

    @booo LVM is a pain if you simply must've dual/triple boot. Also, AFAIK partimage doesn't support backing up LVM volumes. That said, LVM is a superior choice if you are running a linux only box; the flexibility you have in terms of dynamically changing volume sizes is simply amazing. Caution...
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    Tube comin on OCT 2

    Yaay!!1! Flamewar :-p . I spoke with a buddy who works for the said mobile phone company (codes the UI elements for S60 phones). Apparently the Tube is going to be a little beta-ish compared to the same price range phones. Bad idea to invest in one, he says. They're still playing catchup to the...
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    Crack open that dead iPod!

    @metalspree & @xerocool: IMHO it's better to spend a little to get it fixed from a service centre (unofficial might work too). While replacing batteries is quite easy, replacing LCDs or trying to fix stuff on the logic board isn't really a good idea unless you have prior DIY experience (with...
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    Getting Incredible Speeds with BSNL Broadband

    @Gaurish: OT. Looks like you're running some linux, which mail client are you using to sync with exchange? I've tried a zillion times with evolution+evolution-exchange-connector with no luck at all.
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    Fidel Castro bedded 35,000 women!

    Hehe. His name is ironic though. Lookup the meaning of wilt. wilt[2] - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
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    The 'Anti-Java' Professor and the Jobless Programmers

    Apologies. TAOCP Donald Knuth. I'll turn in my noob card on the way out.