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  1. V

    Linux Quick tip for seamless virtualization

    Well I have tried gtkpod and it works (as in it detects my iPod, can transfer music). But my main use case is that when the iPod is plugged in all my stuff should automatically synchronize without me having to so much as lift a finger (lazy person). I think gtkpod can pull that off to an extent...
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    Linux Quick tip for seamless virtualization

    I recently picked up an iPod from the TE member's market (iPod Nano Black 4G :ohyeah: ). As I only have linux at home, I started running into issues while attempting to sync it with any of the available AV applications. Tried Amarok, banshee, rhythmbox. While some of them do allow you to put...
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    Motorola does a BackFlip

    One of my friends was carrying a test model of this phone. Got to play around a bit with it, it's not as bad as you think. The back of the screen is capacitive and when you hold the phone with both hands, you can use it to scroll etc. Keyboard felt okay too (not tacky) The software is being...
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    Ipod Nano (4th Gen)

    Hola! Is this still available? Any discounts mr H@cker? :D
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    Linux Which is more stable Linux OS between Ubuntu,Mandriva,Opensuse and Fedora

    The ext4 issue has been fixed as it was a critical issue. Not really a filesystem fault, I think it had something to do with applications not using filesystem sync calls appropriately. Fedora has always been a pain for me; while they do ship with latest and greatest software, most packages I've...
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    Linux KDE and fonts nightmare

    +1 ! Is this the article you're referring to ? KDE 4.4 aims to take free desktop skyward - desktop linux, kde, kde4, open source - CIO Also, I would recommend against Kubuntu as a KDE desktop of choice. I've had lots of bad experiences with it in the past. The good options for a KDE 4...
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    Working PATA laptop HDD 60G & up

    Is it a new or old HDD? Do I get 1 day testing warranty? I would say 800 for the 80G if it is in good condition. 60G maybe around 600? What price are you expecting? bump...........!
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    Working PATA laptop HDD 60G & up

    I'm looking for a new/used HDD for my (slightly ancient) laptop. It has a 915 chipset and a PATA HDD interface. Local delivery would be awesome. Any recommendations for local sellers in Bangalore are also welcome!
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    Linux Fast user switching

    Which version of RedHat Linux are you using? Older RHEL version do not support fast user switching as far as I know. If you're running Fedora 7 or up fast user switching should work (although 8 or 9 may have the least buggy implementation).
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    Lynx-India - Round III Preorder Soundmagic PL-11 In Stock Shipping Out - Closed Now

    Hello Sir, I have placed the order Lynx-2996 for 1 pc. Will transfer via NEFT as soon as soon as the status changes to awaiting payment. Also, I do hope your brother is better now. God Bless.
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    Linux Tiling window managers

    This is to hopefully generate some interest in tiling window managers and for a small respite from GNOME vs KDE wars. "A tiling window manager is a window manager with an organization of the screen into mutually non-overlapping frames, as opposed to the more popular approach of...
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    Linux Worlds Largest mail service Runs on Linux

    Smart move with rumors of Oracle planning to kill OpenSolaris.
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    Which Linux for me?

    Boot from a Windows XP CD and go to the recovery console Description of the Windows XP Recovery Console for advanced users . Type fixmbr to get rid of grub.
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    Suggested price for a year old Xbox?

    What would be a good asking price for a year old barely used Xbox with one wireless controller? The said Xbox also features a 20GB HDD. All other accessories are intact.
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    Linux Fedora 11 (Leonidas) Discussion Thread

    Been running Fedora 10 for the past few months now waiting for 11. Annoying (but inconsequential) bug that keeps following me across every distro is that the screen flickers for a few seconds after the gnome logon prompt. I'm guessing it's an issue with the ancient 915 chipset on my laptop...
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    Twitter mobile problem.

    The SMS shortcode doesn't seem to work with Vodafone Bangalore last I checked. Don't know about other providers/cities. I have a data plan so I use fring for twitter.
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    Which RSS reader pins to desktop?

    Try this (untested) How To: Create an RSS embedded desktop
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    Help Me Buy PowerShot SX 10(In Bangalore)

    +1 Foto Circle. Picked up my S3IS from there long ago. You can SMS Jayesh to ask for a quote.
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    Bluetooth remote control for PC?

    A .NET app for bluetooth control, free. Vectir - IR and Bluetooth Remote Control of PC Media Players
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    Playing with Gimp 2.6

    Amazing composition. Did not know that GIMP was capable of this. Although I think the blue background for the text looks a bit out of place (maybe a red gradient again?).