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  1. V

    The 'Anti-Java' Professor and the Jobless Programmers

    TAACP Donald Knuth FTW (Or so I've heard). Another interesting piece you guys should read. Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
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    Router Problem

    Whoa. Hammer time. Your neighbour has touched the zenith of troubleshooting. I was gonna ask if your router supports ZeroConf (or has a Bonjour sticker on it). Too late I guess.
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    Virtualization Guide

    VMware server 2.0 is out, it's pretty nice. I have no use for the workstation feature set and VMWare server works fine for me. Virtualbox doesn't work too well on my machine, but YMMV. At work we run VMWare Server 1.0.3+Centos5 on an 8 core Xeon 8 G of RAM and it runs atleast 9-10 Virtual...
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    Strange problem with BSNL BB connection.. HELP!!

    This sounds more like an operational issue rather than a technical one. In all probability BSNL has accidentally or intentionally disabled your account. Used to happen to me on TataIndicom where I could only navigate to the TataIndicom homepage. Check with BSNL.
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    DoTA players/servers?

    @ashr- I did log on using Garena last night but couldn't figure out how to play with people. Quite embarrassing. So I join any india room and chat people up and start game? If I host, everyone in that room should see it right? Or if other people are hosting I should be able to see it which I...
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    Govt cracks BlackBerry code

    Frickin hell. No expectation of privacy eh? Actually it's a cheap hack. When a BB device connects to a BB Server, all data is encrypted with secrets (encryption key/SSL certificate) that are stored on the server. In the case of providers like Airtel/Vodafone, all that is required to read all...
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    DoTA players/servers?

    Thanks guys. Will have to fix windows so that I can install Garena and play. Thanks a ton,
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    DoTA players/servers?

    Noob question, i'm not much of a gamer. Is there any one who still plays DoTA via hamachi or any other way? In fact, is there any other way to play it other than using hamachi? I absolutely love DoTA (not too good at it, though) and can't find anyone to play against.
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    PC Peripherals Windows error ?

    In my experience most of the times "serious errors" are caused due to either faulty or incompatible hardware. You could enumerate all the peripheral devices you have connected to your motherboard (e.g. graphics card, sound card etc) and try disabling them one by one and using the computer. Try...
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    reduce fat from body ?

    @mallik Thanks for the tips. The whole idea of going to the gym is to force myself to work out (atleast initially). Also I intend to work out with my flatmate so that either of us can kick butt when the other is lazy :D. I don't like sweets or greasy food so I suppose I've been eating healthy...
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    Which Linux For Me?

    +1 Ubuntu|Dreamlinux. However if you want to get used to RHEL (possibly for a linux oriented jobs) you'd want to go with CentOS. Or you could always triple boot Windows/Ubuntu/Centos
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    Need help, unable to downgrade from vista to windows xp

    Hey that's great! Congrats!
  13. V

    Microsoft's 'I'm a PC' campaign created with Macs

    I get here and the flamefest is dead. Linux FTW!!!! Opensource F/OSS etc etc. Macs are too godammn expensive, until i can afford one I'm gonna be an anti apple fanboy. Vista won't run on my old laptop, sniff, so until I can afford one that _can_ run vista (perhaps a MacBook Pro which runs both!)...
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    reduce fat from body ?

    Oh yeah, I've heard about this stomach stapling thing. Sounds scary, gives you the image of the doctor trying staple your guts with a big red stapler (think Milton, Office Space). October 1 I will start going to the gym, I have been inspired and motivated. Sadly, I've never participated in any...
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    Linux NeoPwn - OpenMoko based Backtrack running penetration testing device

    I doubt anyone picked it up. It's quite expensive (22k atleast) and doesn't offer any real advantage over any one of those HTC phones (not functionally atleast).
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    Winzip 256bit password recovery

    Heh sorry my bad. Read it wrong. 256 bit AES, not 256 character pw :D.
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    Winzip 256bit password recovery

    Your password is 256 bits? That would be what, about 63 characters long? I doubt you could brute force that in your lifetime if you're starting without a clue as to what it COULD be. However if you have a clue of what it might be, you could create a password list file using any list creating...
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    Old rhyme: No offense intended

    Meh. Tough crowd. :D
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    Old rhyme: No offense intended

    Found this in my inbox. With my sincerest apologies to all Banerjees and Bengalis. Author unknown. Through the jongole I am went On shooting tiger I am bent Boshtaard tiger eaten wife I will avenge dead darling's life Too much quiet, snakes and leeches But I not fear these sons of beeches Hear...