Search results

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    WTB Wanted Basic Phone

    Got a Nokia E71, though it might be out of your budget, still PM me if you have an offer.
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    A noob's guide on buying consoles!

    I don't know really - just make sure it has warranty left. Also test it before buying.
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    A noob's guide on buying consoles!

    My 2009 PS3 conked off a few months ago, so I bought a 320GB with Move for 14k off olx with 4 months warranty. I'd say the PS3 has a life of 2 years from now at least, so don't worry about not having games - plus there are tons of games already that you may want to catch up on. Also, i_rock is...
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    WTB Playstation 3

    Warranty needed, don't need Move or games, just the console and controller.
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    The Windows Phone 7 thread

    Yeah, I did that don't worry. And I guess I installed all of that properly since I got everything working until the flashing :/ .Tried to reflash the ROM, but same thing. One more guy on xda had to wait for up to 10 minutes on the SAMSUNG screen before his phone started working, but mine has...
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    The Windows Phone 7 thread

    ^Thanks for the advice. Just got a Focus yesterday 2nd hand :D very happy with the device. Though when I tried flashing WP7.8 from xda today, the phone just kept restarting at the SAMSUNG logo. Weird. Will try some other ROM.
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    The Windows Phone 7 thread

    I'm just worried about how long the hardware will be of any use to me since it was released in late 2010, while the Lumia in late 2011. Don't want to have an outdated and slow phone after a year and a half.
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    The Windows Phone 7 thread

    Is there any point in getting the Samsung Focus ? Available for 12k@Ebay. Or should I stick with the Lumia 710?
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    WTB Nokia Lumia 710

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    WTB Nokia Lumia 710

    Bump - need this again. White color only, and should be in good condition.
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    The Windows Phone 7 thread

    Can't afford that - so does it make sense to buy a 710 now?
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    The Windows Phone 7 thread

    Have there been any WP8 phones announced in the 10-15k range? Need to buy a phone - don't know if I should wait or get a Lumia 710.
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    WTB Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830

    ^Any links? I searched, and I can only find new ones starting from 10k...
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    FS: Mobile iPhone 3GS White 32GB Factory Unlocked

    ?? Didn't you read my pm?
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    WTB Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830

    Looking for white color preferably. Should be in decent condition. PM me your offers. Thanks.
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    Micromax Funbook (Allwinner A10 based tablets) Discussion Thread

    Facing a weird problem since yesterday - the time on my Funbook doesn't get updated if the screen is off, or if the tablet is off. Date and time stay frozen :s any fixes?