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  1. Bluffmaster

    Share your PSN/Gamertag/STEAM IDs

    Guys, I am bumping this old thread. All the members currently active on PSN kindly share your ids here. We can even make a TE clan. Thanks. My ID is : remixbaap
  2. Bluffmaster

    The Last of Us - Discussion Thread

    Yeah, its the same DLC. Not much to it, just some avatars and themes. I don't care much about the soundtrack either. You could have had the DLC even if you pre-ordered the normal version.
  3. Bluffmaster

    The Last of Us - Discussion Thread

    ^Let it be. Its not really worth it. The poster quality is pathetic, the dual shock skin looks very cheap, the comic can be downloaded online. The only thing good about the special edition is the art book. The thing i hate most about this edition is that I cannot stack this game with the rest of...
  4. Bluffmaster

    The Last of Us - Discussion Thread

    Its here :D
  5. Bluffmaster

    PlayStation 4 - News, Rumors & Speculations

    ^Yeah, my bad. Had too much to drink. But i do hope, sony allows you to connect an external storage to the PS4 and maybe support mkv playback (which I am pretty sure wont happen).
  6. Bluffmaster

    PlayStation 4 - News, Rumors & Speculations

    It has already been confirmed by IGN that PS4 infact has a replaceable HDD. Also, I think Microsoft mentioned that you can always hook up an external drive to an xbox and install games on that.
  7. Bluffmaster

    PlayStation 4 - News, Rumors & Speculations

    Wow ... that sucks. Any word on when Sony plans to launch PS4 in India? I am sure the Xbox is going to be available in the grey market but I wouldn't invest 40k in a machine which doesn't even have a warranty. As it is Microsoft has a bad track record when it comes to their consoles failing...
  8. Bluffmaster

    XBOX One - News, Rumors & Speculations

    R.I.P Xbox. That's what happens when you get greedy, Sony won the console war of this generation before it even started.
  9. Bluffmaster

    The Last of Us - Discussion Thread

    So guys, are how are you preparing to hype yourself up to play this game? I just completed watching "The Walking Dead Season 3" as I think the look and feel of that show is pretty similar to what "The Last of us" is offering. IGN review also compared the game to the movie "The Road". I never got...
  10. Bluffmaster

    English TV series discussion

    ^I think its the other way around. The companies have to pay them for product placement. Maybe it was a creative decision to not include any brands in the show. These days some shows can get pretty cheap with that. Give the show a few more episodes, it really grows on you. Although I am...
  11. Bluffmaster

    The Last of Us - Discussion Thread

    Guys, please share your PSN ids ... would be nice to have friends from TE. :)
  12. Bluffmaster

    The Last of Us - Discussion Thread

    I was expecting a 9, but this one has exceeded my expectations. Naughty Dog is currently the best games developer, period. Anyways, lucky me, I pre ordered the Joel collectors edition from flipkart months ago, they now seem to have run out of stock. If there is any game that deserved a...
  13. Bluffmaster

    WWE 13 Online Axxess Problem

    Just an update, I had to create a new PSN ID selecting US as my region. Through that ID I was able to download Online axxess from the PS Store using the key on the back of the box. I then switched to my original PSN ID and since the online axxess had already been downloaded on my system, I was...
  14. Bluffmaster

    WWE 13 Online Axxess Problem

    I do not have a US credit card. No point creating a US account if I cannot purchase any DLC.
  15. Bluffmaster

    WWE 13 Online Axxess Problem

    Hi Guys, So I just got the WWE 13 PS3 version from flipkart but I am unable to go online with it. When I try to redeem the online code from the dashboard, it says invalid code and when I try to do it from within the game it says content unavailable. Did some google and from what I can...
  16. Bluffmaster

    Fight Night Champion - PS3

    Hi Guys, I am desperately looking for Fight Night champion for PS3. I tried searching online for it but it isn't in stock anywhere. Its available on ebay for 3500 bucks which is a lot. I was hoping if I could source it for a little less since its an year old game now. I have a small request...
  17. Bluffmaster

    Max Payne 3 - Discussion Thread

    Yes, all that was made pretty clear in the game but it just didn't look like a good enough reason for him to do what he did. It was a poor script plain and simple, had this been a movie, it would have bombed.
  18. Bluffmaster

    Max Payne 3 - Discussion Thread

    Finished the game yesterday. Everything about the game was awesome but I do have a few gripes. Let me start off by saying that it has been a great experience playing this game as it did feel like a true sequel. I feared that it might not live to its hype because it wasn't being developed by...
  19. Bluffmaster

    India's Tour of Australia - 2011

    Lost again. This tour is not worth watching. Atleast they dropped sehwag, this should put some sense into him and hopefully next time he won't take his place in the team for granted. On a side note, Yuvraj has been diagnosed with a malignant cancer. Feeling really bad for him, Cancer at his...
  20. Bluffmaster

    TES V: Skyrim - Discussion Thread

    The only way to effectively defeat trolls is by casting fire magic on them. The trolls have the ability to regain health very quickly but when you set them on fire, they will loose that ability. All it would take then are 2-3 good blows to kill them.