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  1. Q

    Linux Rasspberry Pi and Hackberry A10 - Where do i buy this ?

    I too had that popup just go ahead and preorder it.
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    WTB Kinect Sensor

    Bump , guys anyone , i am looking for one since a long time.
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    Linux Rasspberry Pi and Hackberry A10 - Where do i buy this ?

    The RPi also has a S-Video out so you can hook it to ur TV as well incase u dont have a HDMI Monitor at home. Also there might be HDMI to DVI/VGA Cables, i am not sure u will have to check that. You can grab any USB Keyboard for cheap , i had a iball basic keyboard lying at home using that but...
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    Linux Rasspberry Pi and Hackberry A10 - Where do i buy this ?

    I have a lot of things planned for my next weekend with the Raspberry Pi. This thing has endless possibilities and so many hacks.
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    Linux Rasspberry Pi and Hackberry A10 - Where do i buy this ?

    fantastic worked great. I am not much of a linux guy so i was puzzled how the hell do i edit the file , i know silly question but lol yeah. :P I have managed to successfully connect the ASUS N10 on my Rasspberry Pi. I used NANO as my text editor its pretty straight forward. This is also a...
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    PC Peripherals Front Audio + Mem Card + USB 3.5' Bay - Where To Buy

    ok lets see i will do that trip to lamington road next week have other things on my mind too.
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    PC Peripherals Front Audio + Mem Card + USB 3.5' Bay - Where To Buy

    Hi All, My Cabinet does not have any of these posts so i am looking for a 3.5' extension bay. where can i get one in India. I am looking for Front [Audio + USB] memory cards reader would be an added bonus but not a necessity. Any suggestions are welcome.
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    Linux Rasspberry Pi and Hackberry A10 - Where do i buy this ?

    How did u get the ASUS N10 to connect to the Router. Can u just list down those steps would be really helpful. Also what Rass Pi OS are u using on ur SD Card. Also how much did the powered usb hub cost you ?
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    Suggestions for a Good Router under 10k

    What firmware are you using, i am on If anyone wants to read my initial setup hiccups can read here
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    Linux Rasspberry Pi and Hackberry A10 - Where do i buy this ?

    I havent received the ASUS Wifi Dongle yet , once i receive it i will let you know for sure. From the Articles that i have read around Rasspberry Pi it should work out of the box with the Raspbian “wheezy” build , lets see. Will keep you updated. Normal HDMI Cable works fine.
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    Linux Rasspberry Pi and Hackberry A10 - Where do i buy this ?

    Sure , i have been busy this weekend but i will be sharing my thoughts on it soon.
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    Linux Rasspberry Pi and Hackberry A10 - Where do i buy this ?

    Well i have loads adapters at home to choose from Blackberry, Galaxy S2, Galaxy S3 any one works for me. :)
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    Linux Rasspberry Pi and Hackberry A10 - Where do i buy this ?

    I had ordered it immediately from the KitsnSpares link which you had posted. Kindly check the previous posts in this thread. The link is now changed , this is really strange the link keeps changing on KitsnSpares - - - Updated - - - I had ordered it immediately from the KitsnSpares link...
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    Suggestions for a Good Router under 10k

    Even i got a N56U today and even though it does not support any sort of 3rd Party Firmwares like DDWRT Tomato its a good Router after reading loads of Reviews on Amazon NewEgg and SmallNetBuilder it looks like a solid product. Its got one of the best routing througput
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    Linux Rasspberry Pi and Hackberry A10 - Where do i buy this ?

    Finally after a nice wait received my Rasspberry Pi today Now to get the Wifi Adapter and SDHC Card and fire this up.
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    WTB Kinect Sensor

    Guys anyone selling there Kinect Sensor ? I am still looking for one.
  17. Q

    Hardkernel ODROID-X : Quad Core Exynos 4412 Board @ 129$

    I have already posted a link in the first post , where to buy this from. :)
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    Linux Rasspberry Pi and Hackberry A10 - Where do i buy this ?
  19. Q

    Hardkernel ODROID-X : Quad Core Exynos 4412 Board @ 129$

    Yes similar to R Pi but much powerful hardware wise. Rass Pi has a great community uptill now and thats what gone there way but hardware is not that powerful There is the hackberry which has the AllWinner 1Ghz processor and on chip Wifi and then i was looking for something more powerful then...