Search results

  1. Neotheone

    FS: Others Garage Sale - Lots of items for sale - will be added every few days

    Picked it up today. Thanks for the kind gesture @aasimenator !
  2. Neotheone

    Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel (Used)

    Thanks guys. Is there merit in getting a used one from here or OLX - if it comes at around 18K? As of now, I personally feel more comfortable with the idea of getting it new due to the warranty unless there was some warranty left on a used G29, or in case I can get it for a larger discount but...
  3. Neotheone

    AYUSH Holistic Wellness Centre at the Supreme Court premises

    All points taken, maybe I wasn't clear enough. I was talking from the system perspective and did not want to imply that all practice of modern medicine is short term oriented. I was talking about how corporate interests are served if they get the patient to come for a recurring revenue accruing...
  4. Neotheone

    AYUSH Holistic Wellness Centre at the Supreme Court premises

    The post facto knowledge that something did not hurt so far, or seems to have worked without retrospective studies to actually assess efficacy, does not support the case that it was logical or followed the scientific method. You yourself made the argument that corners were cut, which is only...
  5. Neotheone

    AYUSH Holistic Wellness Centre at the Supreme Court premises

    "Not new" does not actually address the concern. The concern persists, doesnt' it? Two points: 1. It would require retrospective studies to have that evidence. The absence of transparency does not help, 2. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Its just an information vaccum. Two...
  6. Neotheone

    AYUSH Holistic Wellness Centre at the Supreme Court premises

    Hey labels hardly help but my key counters on reason are covered and I would counter with the idea that if you label me as anti-vaxer, you're not likely to see anything that I say as worth thinking over. Yet if I really was an anti-vaxer, I would not have taken two shots myself. A more nuanced...
  7. Neotheone

    AYUSH Holistic Wellness Centre at the Supreme Court premises

    Valid points here. There are pressing issues with alternative treatments. Yet, I benefited greatly with some of these alternatives, although admittedly you could claim that it was placebo. I feel that the best approach would still be evidence based medicine. Yet, the approach to understand...
  8. Neotheone

    AYUSH Holistic Wellness Centre at the Supreme Court premises

    I took both doses of the AstraZeneca (Covishield) vaccine because at that point, the risk of COVID seemed to be getting lowered meaningfully due to it, based on the data published then. Although now, it appears that the data was misleading (both in terms of quality of adverse reporting and also...
  9. Neotheone

    AYUSH Holistic Wellness Centre at the Supreme Court premises

    COVID has been an eye opener for me personally, and forced me to see some of what passes for modern medicine. Amid conflicting guidance by medicine regulators in early /mid 2020, I had to resort to reading scientific papers after papers to form my own view. and realized that modern science is...
  10. Neotheone

    AYUSH Holistic Wellness Centre at the Supreme Court premises

    While that is generally true of India, there's another aspect that all traditional medicine, which emerged through heuristics and was passed on through generations is dismissed as quackery. The problem is that most of these alternative approaches have not kept pace with developments in science...
  11. Neotheone

    Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel (Used)

    Hey sorry for the delayed response, its the work that got me. Here is the link: Thanks !
  12. Neotheone

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    I'd finished it on the PS4. Do you think its worth another go on PC ?
  13. Neotheone

    Amazon India lightning deals

    It was Appario for the Desktop RAM as well. I got 2 X 8GB 2666mhz for 2K
  14. Neotheone

    Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel (Used)

    Yes well its close to 27K at primeabgb, if you pay by UPI.
  15. Neotheone

    Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel (Used)

    Hi everyone, I am looking at the captioned racing wheel in the used market, and the seller has offered it at 30K. He claims that it has been used only for 3 months, but it is 1.5 years old and out of warranty. Any advice on whether it is a better option at that price point in comparison with a...
  16. Neotheone

    Low Cost PSU for Backup PC

    That's helpful, thank you. Fingers crossed because I now have a used Corsair VS450. Let's see how it goes. Thanks everyone for your inputs.
  17. Neotheone

    WTB LGA1151 CPU for GIGABYTE H110M S2

    Received the processor. Well packed and in good working condition. @ mods you may close the thread.
  18. Neotheone

    Review Techbooze Order Blues

    Thanks man. ! But it took more than just me. A bunch of us formed a group and took these steps together, and shared ideas/contacts together. Multiple complaints would probably have been a factor too. I guess modern life rarely gives many of us us a chance to fight injustice , or fight...
  19. Neotheone

    Review Techbooze Order Blues

    Update : The website is now suspended. Talk about revenge being as sweet as it gets :
  20. Neotheone

    Review Techbooze Order Blues

    Hey thanks that is a helpful post. Could you let me know if Techbooze accepted the charge-back or did they try to contest it and failed? I suppose they can try and not accept by giving false proof of shipping and delivery, and I am worried about that possibility.