Search results

  1. Neotheone

    Review Techbooze Order Blues

    Thanks man you put in so much work. I will follow your suggestion, but I can not see the 3 day shipping deadline anywhere on their website. The 3 day promise that I got was on the phone number you shared. And both emails their official email IDs bounced. I had also marked to their gmail ID, but...
  2. Neotheone

    Review Techbooze Order Blues

    Well, the text says order can be cancelled within 8 hours of ordering. I am on day 5. Do you think it is still worth a shot ?
  3. Neotheone

    Review Techbooze Order Blues

    Thanks. Do you mean 6-7 days from order date? Asking because it has already been 3 days. Thanks.
  4. Neotheone

    Review Techbooze Order Blues

    That is reasonable, and fantastic. Thanks @PunkX 75 and @awestorr as well. Just one last question. What is a reasonable timeframe before initiating the chargeback request? I am wondering if I create an evidence trail of repeat phone and email reminders to Techbooze as evidence every 3 days in a...
  5. Neotheone

    Review Techbooze Order Blues

    Are you sure? If that is so, should I claim charge back right now, even before I have reasonable time to claim that I did not receive the product?
  6. Neotheone

    Review Techbooze Order Blues

    Thanks Kunnal, that is reasonable indeed. In fact I just did that about a couple of hours ago. Wrote an email to Techbooze stating that I trust them in good faith , but that I am concerned about online reviews being very disappointing. I also told him that I would explore all options including...
  7. Neotheone

    Review Techbooze Order Blues

    Unfortunately I relied on pcpricetracker on that day, and it was listed. Thanks for that bit. I knew of this and reached out to my bank. After some insisting they agreed to it. I am thinking when to initiate charge-back because the bank (reasonably) argued that I should wait for some time for...
  8. Neotheone

    Review Techbooze Order Blues

    Hi Everyone, well not proud of what I did, but I ordered an AMD Ryzen 7 5700X CPU from Techbooze on 16th January 2023. I clearly should have done my due diligence, as post-facto, I am seeing a lot of unfavorable comments on reddit. So far, the seller is reachable, and has promised shipping in 3...
  9. Neotheone

    Corsair CX430 PSU Repair?

    Makes sense. Thanks.
  10. Neotheone

    Corsair CX430 PSU Repair?

    The title says it all: I want to know if there is a case for repairing Corsair CX430 PSU, or should I just throw it away ? I have one lying around and have to decide the course of action. In case a repair is feasible, any leads on where to do it in Mumbai would be very helpful. Thanks.
  11. Neotheone

    GPU For StableDiffusion/LLMs/Moderate Gaming

    T I finally got the 4600TI 16GB from PC Studio along with a 5700X + MSI B550M PRO-VDH WIFI + Corsair CMK16GX4M1E3200C16GB for about 73K all included. Thanks to everyone for their help. I would have taken days, maybe weeks to come up-to-speed in terms of what components to pick, but you helped...
  12. Neotheone

    2x3080 ti or 3090 for ML?

    I'm keen to hear the answer too, because I am contemplating a similar (albeit weaker setup) with 2 x 3060 12GB cards, as opposed to one 4xxx series 16GB card.
  13. Neotheone

    GPU For StableDiffusion/LLMs/Moderate Gaming

    Thanks again for all the responses guys. I had to delay the purchase due to some unexpected travel but I'll buying soon now. I have a couple of additional questions in case you can offer some perspectives. 1 Given the planned launch of some GPUs by Nvidia , does it make sense to wait a month...
  14. Neotheone

    LLM's usefulness

    Not yet. I'd been traveling a lot and expect it to do it around Mid January.
  15. Neotheone

    FS: Video Card FS: Sapphire RX 6500 XT 4 GB

    Hi All, I am posting after ages I guess. This is because I am looking to sell my Sapphire 6500XT 4GB Product Name: Sapphire 6500XT 4GB Expected Price: Rs 9,000 Shipping charges: At actuals, Mumbai Buyers preferred. Manufacturer page...
  16. Neotheone

    Discussion on Aadhaar Based Bank Frauds!

    Well done man. That will eventually be a norm, bank risk departments of smart banks already know it. Its just that nobody dares speak against the UIDAI and the powers that support it. I believe most government officials are not competent enough, and end up leaking critical private data and...
  17. Neotheone

    Charlie Munger, investing genius and Warren Buffett’s right-hand man, dies at age 99

    A legend indeed, especially to all who are interested in Finance. Listening to him is usually a reminder to go back to basics. May he rest in peace.
  18. Neotheone

    LLM's usefulness

    Thanks baccilus ! , and other posters. Any other insights/thoughts are welcome.
  19. Neotheone

    LLM's usefulness

    Hi All, I am keen to find out if having a high end CPU + Board + GPU combination can allow options like LLAMA2 to support me in financial and systems research? Please pardon me for the noobish question. I just have some broad sense of what LLMs can do (and can not), based on ChatGPT and the few...