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  1. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    @SunnyBoi If you are still running C04 BIOS then you can expect high temps even in ST. The windows power plans dont work correctly in C04. Your Vcore is also going to almost 1.392V-1.4V. AMD cool and quiet is disabled in the BIOS? The CPU VID 1.550V reading is probably an error or misreported...
  2. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    I upgraded from C04 to C09. Could you please let me know what new options are available in C0A modded BIOS. I don't want to upgrade unless there is something useful in the C0A modded BIOS that I would use. If you can post screenshots with C0A modded BIOS menus that will be great. Thanks
  3. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    With the newer BIOS there is no need to change the cooler. Idle is 63 degrees and daily usage like browing and watching movies it does not go over 65. Power plan MAX CPU 70 In games, load temps dont really go above 75 with full 4.0Ghz boost now. Power Plan MAX 100. Has I said in my early post...
  4. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    The reason for the errors are explained in the PDF file in the flash directory. You updated from C04 directly to C0A without any issues thats great and will save time. If you dont have a UPS or Inverter doing these BIOS updates and having a power failure can be a problem.
  5. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    Are you sure the BIOS version is A04 not C04?
  6. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    The update order I used from the C04 was C06>07>08>09. With BIOS update C07 the ROM layout changes I had to select option "e" [read the BIOS FLASH GUIDE.pdf] From what I read on TH review the cooler cant be changed has the CPU does not have an standard IHS, the current cooler has an extra...
  7. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    Have you already placed an order for one kit? Looks like its sold out on Primeabgb. Not sure of other retailers will drop their prices soon, definitely not worth +/-30K Rupees.
  8. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    Is it possible to increase the PCIE 2.0 X 4 limit on this board with a modded BIOS ? Both AIDA64 and CPU-Z say 3.0 X 16 is supported. Not sure if that is true or if that is the max the board can support.
  9. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    Its actually really fast in everything. All windows tasks, browsing and games. For the price of 10K rupees it is definitely well worth the price. Yes with BIOS C04 the windows power plans were not working with the later BIOS versions it works properly hence lower Vcore etc. In windows daily...
  10. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    It 44 degrees here in UP and there is no AC in my room. Temps are bad in general.:sweatsmile::sweatsmile: (If you have an AC in you room im sure you would see better temps than mines) I dont play those game but ran DS3 at a locked 60fps with no issue. Temps were around 82-84 degrees. Even my...
  11. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    It's great that the board has a SPi flash port so should be easier to recover from a bad flash. [JSPI]
  12. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    I already have a collection of various 4700S Bioses. WIll upgrade only if I need to or it brings a significant performance increase or a decrease in temps etc. For now I am fine with C04. The latest C0A says "Potential vulnerabilities fixes" so I am worried about performance loss with that...
  13. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    It came with BIOS version C04. I have not updated it yet, I wanted to complete my testing with this BIOS. There is a known issue with this BIOS that when you plugin a USB device the system can randomly reboot. That only happened once so far when I plugged in a Wifi adapter. I want to upgrade...
  14. The_King

    CPU/Mobo [DISCUSSION] AMD 4700S Desktop Kit

    Hi Guys, I did manage to get a board from Primeabgb. It runs fine on my RX480 and yes the RAM latency is high but it games just fine in the games that I played. It runs great although the fan profile is very relaxed and then ramps up like a jet! It reguarly hits close to 100 degrees. Seems...