Search results

  1. J

    Skullcandy In-Ear Headphones – 2XL Spoke OR JIB@rs.535

    Rs.535 for Skullcandy In-Ear Headphones - 2XL Spoke OR JIB! FREE Delivery | Offer is on Skullcandy in-ear headphones. Choose from 2 models and several colors: Skullcandy 2XL Spoke In-Ear Earphones – Rs.535: Offer 1: Green/Black Offer 2: Matte Black Offer 3: Rasta Offer 4...
  2. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    One of my ebay account got suspended:( after placing order for buy6 and get6 spoon free but the good thing is seller has shipped the order :)
  3. J

    HomeShop18 - Coupons & Deals

    looking for any particular brand ? 2lt, 3lt, 5lt ,6lt ?
  4. J Deals and Coupons

    that was expected :D
  5. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    I don't get any error while using my same address and mobile repeatedly for different id's. Try giving some random phone number and while ordering change it to original.
  6. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    Just created few more ebay accounts with same address and mobile number :D
  7. J

    Non Tech/ General hot deals thread

    Easy Recharge at! Pay Rs.49 to Get Balance worth Rs.100 to Recharge Mobiles, DTH TV, Photons & MORE Offer is not valid for existing users Offer not valid on mobile numbers that are already registered on
  8. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    yes..yesterday I ordered a product with amount payable 0 , delivered today (seller is from bangalore)
  9. J

    IC - Earbud tips

    wats wrong with Jai_hoo ? :(
  10. J

    IC - Earbud tips

    Razer - Abyssus Mirror Special Edition Gaming Mouse @Rs.1325 looks good deal to me :) On flipkart it is Rs.1737 homeshop18 - 1710 infibeam - 1745
  11. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    I have used same address and mobile number for all the accounts without any issue.
  12. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    12-13 accounts ain't that many...I read somewhere that many guys have 100+ accounts on ebay :scared14: and I just have 12-13 :unsure: Way to go, my friend :gap: - - - Updated - - - Well, I don't have links right now but I can list the items 1) 2-3 keychains 2) 2 recron pillows 3) 2 Almond...
  13. J Deals and Coupons

    Be Indian and buy Indian:yes:
  14. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    I have around 12-13 accounts on ebay:gap:
  15. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    I got around 8 coupons 150 off, used all :)
  16. J

    Non Tech/ General hot deals thread

    Prevention is Better Than Cure: Rs.699 for a Complete Health Check-Up (CBC, RBS, ECG, Kidney & Liver Profile, etc)at NM Medical. Valid at 2 Locations Pay Rs.699 for a complete health check-up | Test Package 1 (Basic annual checkup without fasting - Male/Female) 1) CBC (Complete...
  17. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    It's better to use ICICI coupon which offers 10 %% discount
  18. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    got this new coupon Code: SE8XJ0ERVK...
  19. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    I got 1. 150 off 155 3. 100 off on 400 2. 15% off on 5000 No 300 off coupon :(
  20. J

    HomeShop18 - Coupons & Deals

    I bought a phone on their superdeal offer and received the phone in 3 days