Search results

  1. MrHunt

    Nokia 6500 Slide

    Phone recieved but disappointed by the condition ....sorting it out with the seller .... hope everything turns out well
  2. MrHunt

    Nokia e51 +2gb all accessories and box

    you can't bump within 24 hours :no: :no: :no:
  3. MrHunt

    FS- samsung Omnia

    interested in the micro sd card .....first in line if u wish to sell :)
  4. MrHunt

    FS: Brand New HP BackPack & Creative Blaster 5.1 Sound card...

    money transfered for the sound card....will reach andrew327 by monday (most prob.) .. awaiting tracking details :)
  5. MrHunt

    FS: Brand New HP BackPack & Creative Blaster 5.1 Sound card...

    thank you bikey ... appreciate that :) thank you mutant for the support :P andrew327 plz pm me bank details
  6. MrHunt

    FS: Jabra BT135 AND EP-630

    hold BT135 for me .. will let u know soon .
  7. MrHunt

    FS: Brand New HP BackPack & Creative Blaster 5.1 Sound card...

    i wish bikey backs out ... even local buyers making u wait for so many days.
  8. MrHunt

    FS: Dell BH 200 Bluetooth Headset

    I know its a little OT but nash could you please fill me in about the sound quality of these headphones. A comparison with some popular headphones/earphones would be nice. :) These would have gone well with my vostro, but seems too late now. :(
  9. MrHunt

    Nokia 6500 Slide

    some network problem sent again
  10. MrHunt

    Nokia 6500 Slide

    sent you a pm
  11. MrHunt

    Edifier C2 2.1 Speakers For Sale

    koi nahi, koi nahi :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:
  12. MrHunt

    FS: Brand New HP BackPack & Creative Blaster 5.1 Sound card...

    thanks for the advance wishes :hap2: but first let me get it. :tongue:
  13. MrHunt

    FS: Brand New HP BackPack & Creative Blaster 5.1 Sound card...

    If he is out then that makes me top in line. I will take it. :)
  14. MrHunt

    FS: Brand New HP BackPack & Creative Blaster 5.1 Sound card...

    i am in for sound card .. pm me ur account details
  15. MrHunt

    Fs Nokia 5800

    reason for selling such a nice phone? ...anything you din't like ..
  16. MrHunt

    FS: Nokia N91 4GB

    :S :S :S I thought it was on hold for me and he is going to find out about shipping charges. explain what is going on arjun123. :huh: :huh: You have not replied to the last 2-3 PMs sent yesterday and you were online at that time and even today morning. I believed we discussed closing the...
  17. MrHunt

    [FS] XFX 6800 xtreme 256MB

    How could he be late ....he had put this on hold before Srini :S :S ....I am sure you never bothered to even communicate to him before finalizing the deal with Srini.
  18. MrHunt

    FS: Nokia N91 4GB

    Sorry dude, I am ahead of you :P
  19. MrHunt

    FS: Nokia N91 4GB

    And I am in now hellgate :P :P