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  1. Hells_Fury

    Nexus 5 and New nexus 7 available in play store INDIA has dropped the price of the 32GB Nexus 7 Wi-Fi model by 30$. It now costs $239.
  2. Hells_Fury

    English TV series discussion

    Completed 2 seasons of Breaking Bad. All I'll say is - I totally understand why its rated so high.
  3. Hells_Fury

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    Yup, seen it. Its a brilliant movie. Very under-rated IMO.
  4. Hells_Fury

    English TV series discussion

    Started watching Supernatural while waiting for the next seasons of other shows to come out. Completed 4 episodes of season 1 so far.
  5. Hells_Fury

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    The Conjuring - 9/10. A good horror movie after a long long time. Even thought there was nothing new in the story the movie was brilliantly made.
  6. Hells_Fury

    Sony Xperia ZR - All in One Discussion thread

    Nice review...weird experience you had regarding the water proofing though...hope its restricted to your particular unit only.
  7. Hells_Fury

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    Do yourself a favor and skip that movie.
  8. Hells_Fury

    20-25K Need a sturdy quad core android

    If you have a Citibank credit card, you can get the Xperia ZR for 27,999-10%. The 10% is in the form of cash back which will be credited back to your account by September 15th apparently. Offer valid till 1st August.
  9. Hells_Fury

    Motorola X to be unveiled on 1st August, Press image leaked

    ^^AFAIK, it was always rumored to be a mid-range phone and never a fully loaded model.
  10. Hells_Fury

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    Started with God of War 3 since that was the only series which had 2 entries in my backlog :p Nothing new gameplay wise so far, but the graphics are awesome and everything seems to be on a much larger scale in part 3.
  11. Hells_Fury

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    Finished Uncharted 2. The ending was a little annoying but thankfully did not require any QTE sequences. Need to decide what to start next from my big backlog: God of War 3 God of War Ascension Uncharted 3 Dishonored Batman Arkham City The Last of Us
  12. Hells_Fury

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Better late than never. Ordered on Monday evening and delivered on Tuesday morning.
  13. Hells_Fury

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    Screen is excellent. The place is still knida new so its much cleaner than the other halls.
  14. Hells_Fury

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    For me the best 3D experience was the IMAX at PVR, Forum Mall, Koramangala.
  15. Hells_Fury

    English TV series discussion

    Completed Hannibal...I absolutely loved this show, might even say I liked it more than Game of Thrones. I've always been fascinated by Hannibal as a character and the series did not disappoint. Now it feels like there's a big void :p
  16. Hells_Fury

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    Almost completed Uncharted 2, currently playing chapter 25. Ordered Batman Arkham City and The Last of Us. Should arrive this week itself.
  17. Hells_Fury

    English TV series discussion

    Started with Hannibal...Completed 3 episodes so far. I really like the way the show is made. Some may find it slow paced but I personally feel its perfectly paced and the visuals are amazing.
  18. Hells_Fury

    Act Tv Bangalore: 10 Mbps Unlimited for Rs 1299

    Which area do you stay in?
  19. Hells_Fury

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    Completed 5 chapters so far and yeah I'm enjoying it much more than part 1.