Search results

  1. starchazer

    FS: Monitor and LCD Samsung 27" (Giveaway)

    Hey guys, I gave it to Andrew327. Thank you for all the interest, and happy Diwali! :)
  2. starchazer

    FS: Monitor and LCD Samsung 27" (Giveaway)

    Ok Guys, logging in after ages, and don't know exactly where to post this. Basically, I just found out that I have a Samsung 27" monitor which was lying in dust. I just quickly tested it and it seems to be working. However, there's a large whitish patch on the upper half of the screen. I guess...
  3. starchazer

    Happy - Mumbai

    Thanks guys! :) Me and Ishan appear in the video at 03:26 .. we are the ones who are flapping when the song talks about clapping ! :-P Happy to know you guys like it! Cheers!
  4. starchazer

    Happy - Mumbai

    Hey Guys, Another day, another video! :) Made by me and my bro. "Happy - Mumbai" Sharing it with you all! Please watch, Share & Give your feedback. :-) Thanks in Advance!
  5. starchazer

    Nike Ad

    Hello Guys, I need your feedback on one of the ads that I made with my bro recently. I have always appreciated your feedback in the past, so this time it's no different. Please give your honest feedback. :) Here's the ad: And here's the extended cut: Let the critique and criticism flow! :)...
  6. starchazer

    English TV series discussion

    Finished watching "Homeland". Actually This was my 2nd time .. 1st I saw alone and 2nd time with my bro :D ... Insisted him to watch first few episodes and from there on he just couldn't stop himself watching all 24 episodes back to back me sitting by his side ... Again! :D. Eagerly waiting for...
  7. starchazer

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    YJHD - 7/10
  8. starchazer

    The book I am reading currently

    Read "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari". Was officially my first read .. It was okay but woke the reader inside me :p Currently reading: "The Kite Runner" & "Shantaram".
  9. starchazer

    The Dark Knight Rises

    No I don't think it is relevant. I know the world likes a movie while I don't (not as much). I don't think I need to delve deep into the statistics as to where I got the figures from because you don't even have to look, you just know that everybody (or most of the people) likes it. So I...
  10. starchazer

    The Dark Knight Rises

    I don't think "where I got the best 5 from" is relevant. TDK is all over the internet. Many of my friends too consider it one the best film of all time. At times they tell me it's a sin not to like TDK. I don't "dislike" the movie. But I just can't put it in the same place as others do. And it's...
  11. starchazer

    Which Super-Human Character you want to be?

    Superman & Parmanu :D
  12. starchazer

    The Dark Knight Rises

    Haven't seen TDKR yet but I have to say that although I did enjoy TDK, I don't understand the hype around these movies. I mean sure they are blockbusters and probably in the top tier of Hollywood releases and I know that Batman is an icon with crazy following. But to be counted among the best...
  13. starchazer

    Any doctors here? Heart related query

    Hey guys, I know this is a tech forum, so apologize for posting this here. However, since I like and trust this forum I am going ahead with this thread. Hopefully we have some doctors here who can help/advise me. Here's the situation. Just a few days back my uncle felt pain and numbness...
  14. starchazer

    Dark Souls - Discussion Thread

    I always wanted to play Demon Souls but never got the chance. So yeah I will definitely pick Dark Souls!
  15. starchazer

    Dark Souls - Discussion Thread

    Done! But since its not a racing game or an MMO, I don't think Namco will. :/
  16. starchazer

    My New Rig

  17. starchazer

    Post a Youtube video thread!

    Re: Post a Youtube video thread! Movie (Ek main aur ek tu) looks interesting. But they inserted 30 seconds of production logos in a trailer :O
  18. starchazer

    Actor Dev Anand suffers cardiac arrest, dies

    Very sad news! Thanks for giving us some masterpieces which we shall cherish forever. RIP Sir. :-(
  19. starchazer

    Car & Bike Anyone is member in TEAM-BHP

    ^LOL I too tried a few times but rejected always. At least they have not restricted the access for unregistered users. Have spent quality amount of time in "Super-Cars & Imports in India" & reading reviews of the latest cars in India :D
  20. starchazer

    Adult movie star in big boss house!

    A message someone posted on Facebook which I am sharing here :P