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  1. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Which notebook compares to 13" MacBook Air 2013 ?

    Do we have 256Gb SSD variant of MBA 13" 2013 here? Any idea on the price?
  2. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    @Punker Considering minimum 10GB has to be downloaded per month to keep the account active, are freeleeches too considered in the 10GB?
  3. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    ^^^Know any good trackers with good no. of WEB-DL releases?
  4. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    I signed up couple of weeks back when they were open for registration. No proxy. What do you mean by Signup is banned?
  5. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    So you are implying that we should start using proxy for accessing the site? Yeah got any suggestion/invitation for a ratio-less tracker as good as TD? He usually goes for 8GB+ 1080p movies, Bluray TV series pack etc. Its all mostly FL in IPT but their HnR system is bothering him. P.S. Did...
  6. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    That makes sense. But it says, @kuduku When did you join TD? Anyway in need of an invite for a friend. He has IPT and has been maintaining it well (above 8.00 ratio). Hes basically a freeleech downloader. I can personally vouch for him. Any help is highly appreciated.
  7. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    I have more than 1TB upload in TD and been a member there for the past 2 years. Wonder why Im not getting a option to invite others. Do I have to really make donation?
  8. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    That was for @babhishek. Looks like mods deleted his and @thatsashok 's posts.
  9. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    ^^ Why going offensive over little things? @thatsashok took his time to answer your query and this is not the way to thank him. Chill! If one havnt read the post above yours, he/she would have easily thought that you were looking for a trade. Atleast I would have. :hungry: EDIT: Mods deleted...
  10. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    Looking for @#$%^ invite. Any kind soul out there with an invite. Can provide ratio proofs even though this one is a ratio-free tracker. :p EDIT: Post modified, as per @dinjo 's suggestion.
  11. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    ^^You sure know quite a lot about trackers. ;) Would love to join there. But I guess invite will be hard to get? Do you have one there?
  12. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    Finally got into TL. Thanks @thatsashok. :)
  13. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    Thanks for the help buddy. Appreciated. But looking for a new account only. As all my ids everywhere is same, can't go with pre-created account. Thanks again. :) So back to square one, bump for a TL invite.
  14. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    I'm looking for a TL invite? Yes I'm fully aware that it doesn't have any free-leeches. I'm planning on a seedbox as well. Currently using IPT and TD. I can provide ratio screenshots. Cheers!
  15. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Can my BrainWavz M3 be repaired?

    ^^PM him straightaway. Yes I had my M3 repaired by him once. He is a gem of a guy.
  16. ev1lb0ygen1us

    Thinking of setting up a NAS. Need some inputs. **Network Noob Alert**

    ^^^ Dude that's rude. He has given every bit of information he has on our threads. Its us who are lazy looking for straight solutions without any effort from our side. AFAIK this guy never holds back on helping.
  17. ev1lb0ygen1us

    My 24TB Storage Box :)

    One word "AWESOME". Congrats. Please comment on the power consumption for this build when in operation and also while idling.