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  1. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    Using Rokbed cover, no screenguard. It's almost 2 months and no back scratches. Thanks to god :D
  2. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    Sorry but I dont think you can recover text messages since they are not saved in iCloud. Try loging to iCloud and check if your contacts are there or not.
  3. neerajvohra

    Help me decide: ASUS RT-N16 or Netgear WNDR3700?

    Asus rt-n53. I believe Asus routers are the best in terms of quality and signal.
  4. neerajvohra

    The iPad Thread

    Nice, will try all to see which one's are the best. Updated my iPad 2 from 5.1.1 to 6.1 and the improvements are awesome. Not able to check the difference between iPad 2 and iPad 3 now.
  5. neerajvohra

    Runtastic Pro : Free iPhone App **For Today Only**

    Thanks for sharing, I'm gonna try both.
  6. neerajvohra

    Help me decide: ASUS RT-N16 or Netgear WNDR3700?

    I'm using the Asus router and it covers all my floors. 3 floors. Though at terrace the range goes down to 2-3 signal but its at par.
  7. neerajvohra

    Increasing costs for GPRS packs

    I think the tariff of only 2G packs are increased, I'm still using the same package 449rs for 2gb 3G pack. Probably to promote 3/G operators are increasing the tariff.
  8. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    Try Skype, I use Viber for calling my relatives in US and it works absolutely fine. Might some prob with the server. Try again?
  9. neerajvohra

    FS: Mobile Note II, Galaxy SII, iPhone 4/4S covers,screenguards

    I forgot about these covers, bump if anyone interested. :-)
  10. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    No problem here, iPhone 5, iPad2/3. Only problem I faced was with iPad 2, but that could be cause I directly updated from iOS 5.1.1 to iOS 6.1. Checking which of my fav tweaks are updated for iOS 6. :bleh:
  11. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    Thanks. Jb my iPhone 5. will wait for few hours till cydia servers are back to normal. Too slow right now coz of traffic I guess.
  12. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    100%: Final testing and preparation. Come back soon! Next step: Release!
  13. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    Thanks for sharing, already purchased it. :)
  14. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    I havent installed any pirated stuff :) Purchased all the apps for my previous iP4s and now iP5. Will give it a try. - - - Updated - - - with Note II, I usually get 5-6hours display time max. Though using stock rom as of now. iP5 FTW!!
  15. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    It's a paid one, worth getting it? - - - Updated - - - Excellent, I am getting upto 8hours with 1-2 days standby on iPhone 5..I'm gonna tease my Android friends with this screenshot :P
  16. neerajvohra

    The Definitive iPhone Thread

    I am not facing any issue with iMessage and Facetime, using iPhone 5 iOS 6.1 updated recently, and using Vodafone. Yes, to activate facetime Apple sends an international text message, which my phone did and the facetime was activated. None of my friends have come across any such issue with Voda...
  17. neerajvohra

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    Yes. One for bal, another minutes and last one for 2gb 3G pack. Same number :D All in my family use voda, so I usually have 8-10 coupons every month. LOL
  18. neerajvohra

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    Vodafone offer is still working, I used 3 coupons yesterday.