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  1. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    Guys, one way to order from Newegg.. using Paypal... Get a US address + US landline number (Mandatory) Order and while in payment option - choose Paypal and add the address there (any address) - In Paypal pay as with Indian Credit Card - However before confirming do check the contact number...
  2. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    Noway.. these are so small..
  3. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    Yepp so true and as of these reasons n support he opted fr Roku..
  4. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    Not me actually.. my friend bought to watch yupptv.. however on way thought.. wont get b4 25th as got it shipped to nz from amazon.
  5. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    HaHa!! Indeed.. Amazon US Codes.. Not Working as of now.. SSDs are for my Setup.. Lappies n Deskies..
  6. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    My Long List of Purchases from Black Friday.. 1. Intel 530 240GB SSD 2. Toshiba 256GB SSD 3. Samsung 500GB 840 EVO SSD 4. Crucial M500 480GB SSD 5. Canon 50mm f1.4 6. Turtle Beach PX22 7. 2TB WD My Passport Ultra 8. 1TB WD Blue 2.5 9. Non_working PSN code 10. Metro series 11. Couple of 32GB...
  7. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    ++1ed to that.. hence I opted for this!
  8. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    I actually bought this.... hope will be finie!!
  9. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    Sad man .. :(Any Good Deals guys? Deals in SSD? RAM?
  10. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    Purchased Intel 530 - 240GB SSD Samsung EVO 500 SSD Planning for Turtle Beach X12 & Roku 3
  11. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    Can someone tell If I buy from Newegg with my Paypal ID.. is there any issue?
  12. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    Nothing exceptional in Amazon as of now!!
  13. thunder.dragon

    The 2013 Black Friday thread

    Any Good Sale Guys? Tigerdirect had OCZ for 45$ but that site is not opening..
  14. thunder.dragon

    My Xbox One - Xbone

    Pictures added for my friends.. !! :) 56K warning!!
  15. thunder.dragon

    My Xbox One - Xbone

    Thanks Guys.. Titanfall is on March I guess not a Launch title.. Damages - XBONE - 750NZD Forza 5 Ltd Ed - 115NZD AC4 - 94NZD... I am broke :(
  16. thunder.dragon

    My Xbox One - Xbone

    Hi Guys, Got my Xbox One today - Day One Edition with some sweets :p Can't wait to play Forza 5 but will have to wait another 6-7 hours. Work sucks :p but pays for this.. :) Got the Gunnar Phantom Specs for free - Pre-Order Special.. ^_^ Now Enjoy some Pictures.. My Free Glass...
  17. thunder.dragon

    Your PC Picture

    Sure bro.. but Interior is unlikely as don't want to remove what is set.. pain in my a**..
  18. thunder.dragon

    Your PC Picture

    Specs of My XandrA-XT Intel i7 3770 @ 4GHz - @ 290$ ASUS P8Z77-I Deluxe @ 200NZD Galaxy GTX 660Ti OC @ 280USD replacing it with EXGA GTX 770 SC ACX :D @ 430NZD Corsair Dominator Platinum 16GB 1866C9 @ 180USD Kingston 120GB SSDx2 @ 120USD WD 1TB Black @ 115NZD Corsair H80 @ 85USD...
  19. thunder.dragon

    Your PC Picture

    My Red Assassin - XandrA-XT