Search results

  1. Ninjabones

    WTB 4thgen I3 /I5 +H81 Mobo Smallest Size*Quickbuy*

    how does one shut a thread?? :/
  2. Ninjabones

    WTB 4thgen I3 /I5 +H81 Mobo Smallest Size*Quickbuy*

    Looking to buy the following: I3 4330 onwards / I5 4440 / I5 4460 And 1150 Mini Itx MOBO / H81 series micro-ATX Smallest possible to overclock g3258 Kindly Pm Offers
  3. Ninjabones

    WTB AMD FX processor + Motherboard

    Fx4300 + Msi 970a-g43 bought in 2014 pm if interested
  4. Ninjabones

    WTB AM3+ Motherboard

    Msi 970a-g43 4k including shipping Asrock Fatality 990Fx Killer for 9k All bought in 2014
  5. Ninjabones

    WTB PC components (mass buyout!)

    Fx 4300 + Msi 970a-g43 9k including shipping also have a Asrock Fatality 990Fx Killer for 9k All bought in 2014