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  1. shadow747

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Top Notch phone ;)
  2. shadow747

    Security Software Worst security software you have used

    Been using bitdefender for long and really working good. There free version is also lite and non intrusive. Compared to avg. Worst or bloated would be Norton.
  3. shadow747

    I made a Website to choose your Phone

    Just opened the site in Firefox focus but text is overlapping for content.
  4. shadow747

    Online Game Deals - Steam, Amazon, Origin, GOG, Humble Bundles

    After ign buy out humble is killing it with free stuff
  5. shadow747

    POS software or hardware

    Yes LS retail support India and partners handle the implementations. Retail stores in some airports in India too are on LS retail including duty free.
  6. shadow747

    POS software or hardware

    All the best for the new business. You can use LS retail. It has all the features that you may need in retail business.
  7. shadow747

    Online Game Deals - Steam, Amazon, Origin, GOG, Humble Bundles

    Anyone buy anything in psn critic sale currently on ? Just bought dying light following edition.
  8. shadow747

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    How much did it cost and from where did you buy ?
  9. shadow747

    Amazon Prime Music available in play store...

    Thanks for update. Just downloaded and it auto logged me in maybe due to prime video already on the phone.
  10. shadow747

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    Started playing Ori definitive edition. Enjoying platforming and music.
  11. shadow747

    Online Game Deals - Steam, Amazon, Origin, GOG, Humble Bundles

    Don't get rainbow six siege starter edition that is for 274. It's grind fest. Have read on Reddit that to unblock stuff ,it takes 10x effort then normal edition. Avoid starter edition.
  12. shadow747

    Pensioners going to be next major causalities of Aadhar

    Can we save the fingerprints on a silicon tape etc and use it later
  13. shadow747

    Amd vega in India

    That was in catalyst driver times. Crimson is holding up good as per reviews too.
  14. shadow747

    PC parts buy from newegg help

    So Newegg India site of no use I guess then if that is the case :(
  15. shadow747

    PC parts buy from newegg help

    Just wanted to know has anyone ordered from newegg after gst as they calculate tax and shipping at checkout page so will this be final amount or still some extra amount will need to be paid later ?
  16. shadow747

    One Plus 5 launching on June 22 as Amazon India exclusive

    Hoping invite system don't come
  17. shadow747

    Which company's switches I should buy for my newly constructed house?

    L&T are good and priced reasonably. But availability mostly depends on area and location for switches etc. Can try crabtree too.
  18. shadow747

    Review Amazon India - Feedback Thread

    Which card did you buy. And customs amount on card fully utilized or was some refund was due
  19. shadow747

    English TV series discussion

    Suits and White collar are great series. Haven't watched others.
  20. shadow747

    Needed 1.5 ton window A.C

    Hitachi is a brand that still makes 5 star window ac. So you can consider Hitachi. Should cost in your range. Check Hitachi eshop for reference.