Search results

  1. squarepotatoe

    FS: Keyboard and Mice Cherry MX red switches x100

    Just got into this hobby recently and bought one off a TE member. Mine has Cherry MX blues so I won't be replacing them anytime soon. I can pay for shipping if the buyer isn't interested in the old keycaps. Thanks for considering!
  2. squarepotatoe

    FS: Keyboard and Mice Cherry MX red switches x100

    Were the keycaps of that keyboard any good? Looking for some because mine are polished to a mirror shine.
  3. squarepotatoe

    FS: Desktops Dell Power Edge 2950 server; giveaway

    I got very busy this semester and couldn't go to Bhopal yet. I'll post an update around the end of January when my exams will be over. Really sorry I couldn't find the time but I'm planning on setting it up soon after the exams. Uni opened up this semester after the pandemic and it's been a mess.
  4. squarepotatoe

    FS: Keyboard and Mice Early Xmas Sale !!! [Gaming mice + mousepads + bungee] + Secret Santa :)<3

    Received the TVS Gold keyboard. It was packed very well and after a deep cleaning, it's working nicely.
  5. squarepotatoe

    FS: Keyboard and Mice Early Xmas Sale !!! [Gaming mice + mousepads + bungee] + Secret Santa :)<3

    Hi! I'm interested in the TVS gold keyboard. Can you please PM me?
  6. squarepotatoe

    FS: Cabinets Christmas cleanup sale - pc components, iPad, Pixel 6, miscellanea

    I replied to this post regarding the camera and since I can't PM or edit my reply, just adding that I live close to Delhi and have relatives at Delhi.
  7. squarepotatoe

    Suggestions for a good cordless telephone

    Piggybacking on this post to ask if there's any cordless phones around that still have support for two lines? Seems like there aren't many options left.
  8. squarepotatoe

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    Rewatched Shawshank Redemption with a friend hadn't watched it. 9/10 for me. It's a movie that you can revisit any number of times without it getting any less exhilarating. I only wish that I could get to watch it on the big screen someday. It's paced very well and the buildup for every twist...
  9. squarepotatoe

    FS: Cabinets Christmas cleanup sale - pc components, iPad, Pixel 6, miscellanea

    Hi! I'm interested in the Nikon. Can you please PM me?
  10. squarepotatoe

    FS: Keyboard and Mice Redgear Pro Wireless gamepad

    Received it and shared feedback. Well packed and working nicely. Awaiting feedback.
  11. squarepotatoe

    FS: Others Year end clearance : RAM, PSU, ITX Case, GPU and AMD 4700S Kit

    Hi! Interested in the SSD and the HDD. Can you please PM me?
  12. squarepotatoe

    FS: Keyboard and Mice Redgear Pro Wireless gamepad

    Hi! I'm interested in this. Can you please PM me?
  13. squarepotatoe

    Finally got my hands on some GM 8.0s

    Yep. And yeah, Logitech needs to figure this out.
  14. squarepotatoe

    Finally got my hands on some GM 8.0s

    Was looking for these for quite a while but I finally got some for my mice. They sound nice.
  15. squarepotatoe

    FS: Keyboard and Mice Keycaps, Multiple Mice and Keyboards

    Recieved the G402. Well packaged and it's working well. Will write feedback.
  16. squarepotatoe

    What screwdriver kit are you using?

    Got This a few months ago for 800. Nice for how cheap it is and it's got almost everything I need. The copper coating does come off with use but so far it's not very prone to chipping if used correctly.
  17. squarepotatoe

    FS: Keyboard and Mice Keycaps, Multiple Mice and Keyboards

    Hi. Interested in the G402 and the G105. Can you please PM me?
  18. squarepotatoe

    FS: Others RCA cable, ipod, Cassett player

    Alright then can you please PM me?
  19. squarepotatoe

    FS: Others RCA cable, ipod, Cassett player

    I know this is for local buyers only but if you're ready to ship, let me know. Interested in the iPod classic 6th gen.
  20. squarepotatoe

    Sony Bravia KDL-43W800D with a likely dead mobo (Now blinks red light 5 times)

    We have a similar model and at the time we used to get horrible fluctuations. The TV couldn't handle it and died just a week before the warranty ended. Got the Mobo replaced and immediately got a voltage stabilizer for it. I advised this to my cousin too. I'll pass your message along to him so...