Search results

  1. squarepotatoe

    FS: Storage Hardware Hard & Soft storage Giveaway

    Hi! Interested in either of the 2.5" drives. Can you please PM me?
  2. squarepotatoe

    FS: Others MOTU M2 AudioInterface + Netgear / ASUS Routers + TP-Link WiFi Range Extenders + Kinivo BT + TwelveSouth HiRise iPhone Stand + Mous iPhone 12/Pro Case

    Hi! Do any of your wifi repeaters support WPA3-enterprise? If yes then I'm interested. Well basically I live in a college hostel but the wifi barely reaches my room. The main thing that I have concerns about is that the wifi requires me to enter a username and password while connecting to it and...
  3. squarepotatoe

    WTB Cheap, old laptop to use as NAS

    I'd like to buy a laptop that I can use as a NAS that's under 6-7k. Any location works but preferably near Delhi or Aligarh.