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  1. S

    BSNL 3G Thread

    Which City Bro...Also did you geta USB Cable from Ebay...Are you using it to place the modem near the window.
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    All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

    Hi, I want to know the prices of the popular cams discussed here. Can someone help me with an URL ? Thanks
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    Latest Status Updates From Girls on FB ?

    It always sounded to me like they wanted to have it...Who thought otherwise :D
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    Huawei UMG 1831 @ 2400 + shipping

    Any updates from Calcutta ... Have got the number of a ebay dealer who was selling on ebay @ 2800 with 1 year warranty. Will speak to him tomorrow 1st thing up. I will try to take quotes for multiple orders.
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    Latest Status Updates From Girls on FB ?

    Handbags :@ Kuch funda samajh me nahi aaya mitr :S
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    Suggest me my first DSLR

    Hi, I want to purchase a DSLR. I Basically need it for nature photography and macro shots with the occasional motion shots. I really have not much idea of which models to go for. I have been spending some time on this thread to grab some primers but still cant decide what's good for me. My...
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    Latest Status Updates From Girls on FB ?

    Sometime back girls in my friend list went on gaga posting: I like it on the sofa/couch/wardrobe and blah-blah WTF was that :S
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    Suggest me my first DSLR

    Hi, I was watching this thread for a couple of days. So here I jump into it. I am also considering buying a new DSLR ( As Im going to join job ). Have literally no idea about the DSLR's and related technology. Was wondering if I can find sites to brush up on my basics a bit. Nikon D90 and...
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    Want to change default Router Password for BSNL C2110 Siemens/Nokia ADSL Modem

    Hi, Pointing the browser to takes me to the login window of the C2110 Siemens Router. By default the username/password is : admin/admin Any way I can change the password...Cant see any options in the settings. Anyone using BSNL C2110 Siemens/Nokia Modem has a clue ? :S ---...
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    Re: BSNL Launches Full Value 3G Combo Plans Cant decide if I should be happy or sad to see the above plan Seems like the days of U/L Data has gone for a toss :O On the contrary MTNL rolled out a 750/= pm advance rental plan for 6 months. Dichotomous plans by the two Leading Players. One...
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    Huawei UMG 1831 @ 2400 + shipping

    Now this is a life saver...I was on the verge of conducting a transaction of the same at 2800/= and somehow managed to find this IC. Also before that I was also on the verge of completing another transaction @ 2799 and only to take a break to have lunch and when I came back the deal was revised...
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    Just a small help from my fellow members. Is UMG 1831 the best buy at the moment @ sub 3k budget or is there anything I can look at. Looking to place an order for it in a day or two.
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    Hi, Can anyone give me the link for Mobile Partner or any other utility ? I want to try it out on a BSNL Provided Dongle. Is today the last day for 4200/2300/2000 Recharges ?
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    AFAIK 3G phones would never give you good speeds. I tried with my 5800...the experience was equally pathetic; then I borrowed my neighbour's Micromax :O 3G USB Dongle and now I am able to touch speeds of 1.5 Mbps on an avg ( My place just shows 1-2 bars on the Micromax Software) So I would...
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    Not 100, I guess it 50 or 55 I was falling short by 0.14 Rupees :| --- Updated Post - Automerged --- Any inside information whether BSNL is going to close down the 4200/= --> 6 Months U/L downloads tomorrow. Officially 90 days end tomorrow.
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    It was done successfully :) Sorted the problem...Actually I jyst had 49 /= balance which was the culptrit. Put in a 55 top up and things started to roll...Not my fault entirely...The person in the shop has to be blamed....They are absolutely clueless :mad: Thanks so much anyways. I appreciate...
  17. S

    BSNL 3G Thread

    Ironically BSNL BBD is not working for me now. Same is with BSNL 3G. I can see a 3G signal on my phone...tried all types of settings but still not a web page opened. Im using Nokia 5800. Any help would be really appreciated. Even tried using Ovi Suite...That didnt work too. I suppose Im doing...
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    No idea mate...Its been more than 5 hours and I cant seem to surf/download anything. Dialing *123# shows 0 balance and validity of 7 days but shows no data. How do I find the same on my card...Its still shows 0 balance after I did a 120 Recharge and 55 Topup I guess --- Updated Post -...
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    I must thank onlyravi and raksrules for their replies to my shooting queries :) Just got a 3G SIM in Bihar/Jharkhand Zone but I intend to use data packages In Delhi and All Over India. Paid 59 ( SIM CHARGES) +120 (Validity of 180 days/200 MB or both..Im not sure about this) +55 ( Agent said I...
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    Hi, Just some quick queries: 1. Is there any roaming charges on 3G/otherwise data uses on BSNL Networks across India. 2. What is the maximum D/L speeds on 3.6/7.2 Mbps USB Modems. 3. Is there any roaming charges on 3G enabled USB Dongles which BSNL provides 4. Looking to purchase a 3G Dongle...