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  1. J

    How social media birthed a strange new phenomenon in India, the bhakts

    Read the original article by Pratap Bhanu Mehta. His issue with social media was not with the difference of opinion about the hanging in social media but rather this: "But social media managed to create the postmodern equivalent of a medieval lynch mob, an almost cowardly but Talibanesque...
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    How social media birthed a strange new phenomenon in India, the bhakts

    Bhakt after 3 months of modi sarkar : "it's been only 3 months. Give him a year then let's talk" Bhakt after 1 year of modi sarkar : "it's been only 1 year. Give him 4 years then let's talk" True story.
  3. J

    Fatso to Fitso - Weighing Scale Purchase! :)

    I do have one of their weighing scales. They can weigh accurately but for some reason they show a difference of 1-2 kgs many times. You may get used to it and figure out how to get the right reading on it. Basically you will have to lift it off the floor a couple of times after weighting till...
  4. J

    Ebay refund

    i have used ebay for around 10 years (though not regularly). Of course i was careful to check on the seller's ratings and feedback before purchasing. It was only recently that i had to opt for refund as the product was not properly functioning. The refund process was smooth and i didn't have to...
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    Maggi and the soup its in

    Read the below link. It will convince and is pretty conclusive on the maggi episode "I agree with Nestlé’s contention. After all, the FSSAI’s own regulations differentiate between...
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    Maggi and the soup its in

    Good job. Meanwhile do not forget to add milk and baby foods on the list of items to be banned at home. It has higher pesticide content than any of the foods you banned. I do not know what happened to grah'lakshmi (or what it is), but if...
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    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    not everyone agrees..
  8. J

    MH-BJP Govt dictate : Marathi movies on prime time :P

    So, Marathi movies being so important to our art and culture (!!!!!) needs protection as against Sanskrit for all its contribution our art and literature as it was used by elites (whom we may not like though they are long dead?). Moreover Marathi (protection required) is not as popular as hindi...
  9. J

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    before midnight (the triology) flipped as good as it gets somthing's gotta give just like heaven anything with Julia Roberts from the 90s Of these, flipped is a very safe bet.
  10. J

    Nirbhaya documentary: Why Javed Akhtar, Anu Aga's views differ completely

    The reason why rape cases are high in Delhi as against many other places in the country is not only because of the men's attitude there. Reporting of cases is higher than culturally conservative regions. And it is also not because females are using less traditional dresses. Again with time more...
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    15-20K Is Galaxy S4 @ 18k. Is it worth buying now?

    After clearing memory in ram manager, .897 mb is in use of the available 1.82 mb
  12. J

    15-20K Is Galaxy S4 @ 18k. Is it worth buying now?

    From the OPO thread in TE. best of luck with the hunt for the source. :p Thanks for the update. think i will first get used to this before updating, so that i will know if its better.
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    15-20K Is Galaxy S4 @ 18k. Is it worth buying now?

    received the s4 today....its android version 4.4.2:cool:
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    15-20K Is Galaxy S4 @ 18k. Is it worth buying now?

    dont worry comes with kitkat only lollipop is possible Check amazon FAQ Q: is this phone with android kit kat or jelly bean because you have mention both ? A: it will be with kitkat...and u can upgrade to lollypop version I had placed order yesterday, just before giving up and going for...
  15. J

    Amazon evading taxes?

    Nope. If there is a sale, there will be sales tax collected at each and every sale. No. VAT is designed to avoid cascading effect of taxes/ see above Read the article carefully. The article says, albeit hidden in all that jabber, this :- "The global retailer claimed that it is not doing...
  16. J

    Amazon evading taxes?

    Majority are misreading thé news. There Is no additional tax requested in the news. They have only said that Amazon will be responsible for tax payments. This is normal in case this was not an online transaction. Either there was a loop hole or an opérational difficulty (unlikely IMHO) due to...
  17. J

    10-15K Suggestions on Huawei Ascend G6

    I have used two of their mobiles and was more than satisfied with them. I couldn't say the same for most of other branded mobiles I have used. check if they have a service centre near your place. If they do, then they are a good option. However none of their models seems to be in the current...
  18. J

    Suggest a good Professional Toolkit [Drill+hammer+etc]

    Yes, you can try skil brand for home repairs. I had bought their drill from machpowertools dot com. Good site for checking out the options from major brands.