Search results

  1. J

    Experience with Airtel Broadband Customer Care

    yup .. airtel rocks .. i have been so spoiled by their good customer care that i cant even think of switching to any other isp :P .. once my broadband went off at 8 pm .. i called them and they guy was at my house at 8:15pm and he was gone by 8:30 and my bb was working again. phew all in a...
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    PRE DIWALI DHAMAKA - Corsair Voyager 16GB

    i m in for this one .. pm me the details..
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    What exactly is PeerGuardian??

    is it recommended to use PG for torrents in india??
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    HD4850 review

    awesome review mate.. just bought one and i m loving it..
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    Guide Choosing an LCD

    nice guide dude .. can u please add recommended models for 24" and higher also ..
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    [fs] Samsung 26 " Lcd Tv,

    address details sent .. check pm ..
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    [fs] Samsung 26 " Lcd Tv,

    hey verma check pm mate ..
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    [fs] Samsung 26 " Lcd Tv,

    will do when i reach home .. if u live nearby u can come and check it personally today only ...
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    [fs] Samsung 26 " Lcd Tv,

    I am selling Samsung 26 " LCD TV with model number LA26R71BAL.It supports 720p and 1080i. It was bought in JAN 2008 . I have the bill of purchase. Interested buyers pm me . Only for bangalore buyers I dont want to ship it . Price -- Rs19000/- Reason for Sale: want to buy DELL 24" LCD...
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    unable to cap refresh rate in vista

    @saumil: tried refresh lock 2.21 .. not working .. will try ati tray tools...
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    unable to cap refresh rate in vista

    I am using a 26" samsung LCD tv as my primary display. It works fine in windows xp .. never caused any problems. But i recently installed vista and tried running sum games but i get a black screen saying this mode is not supported when i switch the game from 1024x768 to 1360x768 or 1777x1000 or...
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    which version of games will work with my xbox360

    lol... I am also thinking about order it .. is it working on your xbox (is it PAL ??) and how many days they took to deliver it and does the GOTY version contains Expansion or you ordered it separately... and mate are you willing to sell it ??
  13. J

    Some Real april fool jokes that happened on Internet.

    Read this somewhere and found it funny :rofl: so I am posting it here . If anyone has got similar .. then feel free to post it :D 1. In 1990, official RFC (Request for Comments) document #1149 outlined an experimental Internet standard describing a method for the encapsulation of IP datagrams...
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    which version of games will work with my xbox360

    firstly thanks for quick reply ,:clap: Compatible with Xbox360 US, No Region Protection will this one work :S or this --> Compatible with Xbox360 Asia, No Region Protection the one game which I am looking for and couldnot find at local shops is Eldar Scrolls 4 : oblivion and its expansion...
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    which version of games will work with my xbox360

    I want to order some games from :) , so i wanted to know which version of games will work with my xbox 360 it is PAL version . I didnt find any PAL version games there :( , only NTSC/J , can i play these on my XBOX360 ?
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    This is how to check for the 65nm Xbox system

    @rahul there are many threads going on regarding how to find out if its a falcon or not .. it will be better if mods make one of them sticky ... :D
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    This is how to check for the 65nm Xbox system

    most reliable way to confirm a unit is falcon or not is to look for power rating printed on the box , if its 203watts then its old one but if you are lucky enough to find one with a rating of 174 watts then its a falcon ...
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    Xbox 360 Halo Edition

    well ...the easiest way to find out whether its a falcon or not is to look for the wattage ( or power usage )of the box, if its 203watts then you have got the old chip , if 174 watts then Voila !! its a falcon (its printed on the packaging so no need to open it either.) but you wont be able...
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    XBOX With HDMI & Wireless Controller for 299US$

    @h4xor for location check out this link | Where To Buy - Where to Buy prices core sytem -15k (without hdd ,wired controller ,standard av cable,2games ) pro system -23k (with 20gb hdd,wirelss controller ,headset,HDav cable ,4games) halo3 special edtion- 27k (similar to pro but with...
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    XBOX With HDMI & Wireless Controller for 299US$

    @andrew327.. dude US consoles are NTSC so no use importing it , but if you want to mod it and play ahem!! games .. then no one is stopping you .. @BF1983 yep India is dumping ground for companies like Microshaft:@ and yes xbox360 is probelmatic .. I am on my second xbox360 withing 3days of...