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  1. J

    Sony Vaio VGN-CS27GJ ,27 days Sparingly Used->Like New ,11months Warrenty

    ^^ free bump!! OT/ nice pics which camera was used :) /OT
  2. J

    Car & Bike Knight XV the Hummer Killer!

    Good enough for a vacation in Iraq .. :D
  3. J

    Hiring Game Testers

    ^^ lucky bastard right now iEnergizer is involved in testing Star Wars MMO Indian Game Testing company involved with Star Wars MMO - GamingIndians
  4. J

    What is design?

    design is something on which you put blame when your piece of code doesnt work as expected...
  5. J

    Deal of the Week :SoundMagic PL30 + Fiio E3 @ 1199 - In stock

    @mediahome: :@ :no: ... you know why .. Awesome deal btw ..
  6. J

    Ashes Cricket 2009 First-ever Hands On Preview

    @jason: seriously bro take a chill pill .. its gonna come out whenever its gonna come out.. your excitement wont change anything.. If a few previews have done this to ya I cant imagine what will happen when the game releases. PS: there are other game to play too ..
  7. J

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    ^^ it seems now they arent account locked .. even i got the same and used it :)
  8. J

    Soundmagic PL30 @ 750 Shipped [ 1st Preorder ]

    sirji .. check pm , payment done and details sent to you update the first post of thread.
  9. J

    Soundmagic PL30 @ 750 Shipped [ 1st Preorder ]

    i guess i wasnt specific in that post .. 1 sound magic pl-30 @ 750/Rs for me too .. please pm me the account details .. :D
  10. J

    Soundmagic PL30 @ 750 Shipped [ 1st Preorder ]

    Amarbirji add me to the list and pm me the account details ... @lazyme: even I thought something was off with the post..but me being a java programmer my eyes are used to it :P
  11. J

    Dota with GG Client

    ok bumping a really old thread ..but the game is still alive and kicking ass.. so anyone who still plays please post their ids here or add me up.. I am online almost every weekday after 8pm and on weekends. my garena id --> john117
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    Tf2:sniper update, first weapon revealed

    Team Fortress 2 - The Sniper Update
  13. J

    Today i Ordered My Recurve Bow

    FTW= for the win or FTW=**** the world Urban Dictionary: FTW when bowled over by acronymes try u will find more then u can handle
  14. J

    [FS]XBOX 360 Controller (Wired)

    i m second i n queue .. :D
  15. J

    Graphic Cards Need Help !! now i can boil eggs on my 4850 :(

    ok i found out what were talking abt .. W0099 POWER EXPRESS 250W any one seen or used this .. its kinda addon psu just for gfx cards .. it works in conjunction with existing psu..
  16. J

    Graphic Cards Need Help !! now i can boil eggs on my 4850 :(

    :rofl: from where did u get these prices .. get something locally coz if u get it shipped from some dealer and if it blows up then ur in deep shit , remember what happnd with the psu i got from TE and then u cudnt got it replaced.So try getting some psu with 600-700w rating and it should be fine .
  17. J

    Reliance Netconnect Datacard Problem in XP(Both in 64 bit and 32 bit)

    read this .. How to install Reliance Net Connect Data Card on Windows Vista x64 | Computer Tips And Tricks, Gadgets, How-To, Life - 2.0 Style hope it helps ..
  18. J

    How much should I ask for a 32" Sony S LCD

    i also feel the same ..also is there any warranty remaining , i guess none .. coz sammy comes with 1 year and same is true for sony.So 32k is pretty high , anything around 25-26k should be fine.
  19. J

    Need a washing machine that washes clothes..

    @renegade: mine washes cats also .. u wants ??