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  1. Dishant996

    WTB Dual Core Mobile

    Xolo A500S
  2. Dishant996

    Assassins Creed 3 on my rig

  3. Dishant996

    Budget Phone for Normal Usage

    How about lenovo p780? Just asking.....! (already know its not in my budget)
  4. Dishant996

    Storage Solutions Need help in buying a new hdd and dvd optical drive

    Found this-
  5. Dishant996

    Budget Phone for Normal Usage

    Nah.. I don't need lumia.. I'm looking for android only.. Normal usage, as in, a huge variety of apps, a bit of gaming and mostly for internet browsing on my pc (connecting the phone through usb) and on phone too.... Whats the problem with indian companies?
  6. Dishant996

    Storage Solutions Need help in buying a new hdd and dvd optical drive

    I even asked about wd black's warranty at a local store and they said it does not comes with a 5-year warranty! Both blue and black come with 2-year warranty!
  7. Dishant996

    Assassins Creed 3 on my rig

    I saw videos on youtube playing the game on my cpu with no o.c. at decent framerates...Bump!
  8. Dishant996

    Assassins Creed 3 on my rig

    even with applying patches, even thanksgiving patch, won't make the game playable..?
  9. Dishant996

    Assassins Creed 3 on my rig

    so, did you apply any patch on ac3?
  10. Dishant996

    Assassins Creed 3 on my rig

    yes.. I'll be getting it real cheap... on which settings?
  11. Dishant996

    Assassins Creed 3 on my rig

    1st of all.. I wrote crysis 3 by mistake.. Its actually crysis 2.. 2nd of all.. How to solve the fps problem in boston?
  12. Dishant996

    Assassins Creed 3 on my rig

    *crysis 2
  13. Dishant996

    Assassins Creed 3 on my rig

    Hey folks, how do you do? XD i'm looking forward to buy assassins creed 3 and play it on this rig.. Intel pentium dual core e2180 @ 2.0GHz sapphire ati radeon hd6670 1gb ddr3 3gb ram ddr2 667MHz Win 7 Ultimate x64 i ran ac: revelations, resident evil 6, crysis 3 and max payne 3 on 1440x900 on...
  14. Dishant996

    Need help in buying a 32'' LED TV!

    Nah.. I won't be buying my tv online.. One of my friends ordered his tv and when it came.. It was crushed and screen was broken.. He had to clai:m the warranty!
  15. Dishant996

    Storage Solutions Need help in buying a new hdd and dvd optical drive

    One of my friends told me that wd black dies often more than wd blue..!
  16. Dishant996

    Storage Solutions Need help in buying a new hdd and dvd optical drive this one?