Search results

  1. thugz_doge

    FS: Tablet Samsung Galaxy tab S5E and Galaxy buds pro for sale

    You can see all hardware info here Are you interested?
  2. thugz_doge

    WTB Apple airpods pro

  3. thugz_doge

    WTB Apple airpods pro

  4. thugz_doge

    WTB Apple airpods pro

  5. thugz_doge

    WTB Apple airpods pro

  6. thugz_doge

    FS: Tablet Samsung Galaxy tab S5E and Galaxy buds pro for sale

    Bump. Note:- The tab has OLED screen. Also, if bought together, I'll give them away for 27k. (Buds pro are in warranty)
  7. thugz_doge

    WTB Apple airpods pro

    Bump. Any variant of airpods will do.
  8. thugz_doge

    Replacement for Corsair CX400

    Just putting a suggestion here. If possible, after you've finalized your PSU just check out the local market first. Chances are you'll get the item much cheaper than vedant or md. Btw, I recently purchased a PSU and used this for reference. Most of the people of pcmasterrace/buildapc subreddit...